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:: Dr. Mahdavi ::


" Dr Mohammad Mahdavi Mazdeh"

  Associate Professor

Ph.D., Industrial Engineering, Brunel University, London, United Kingdom, 2005

Department: Industrial Engineering

Email: Mazdeh AT iust.ac.ir

Tel: +98-21-77240379

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Education and qualifications

University Degrees

Ph.D., Industrial Engineering, Brunel University, London, United Kingdom, 2005.

M.Sc., Physics, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran, 1992.

B.Sc., Physics, Tarbiat Moallem University (T.M.U), Tehran, Iran, 1986.


1- Assistant Professor, Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Since January 2007.

2- Manager,“Bureau of  Faculties Affairs”, Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, 1997- 2001.

3- Member of directing board of Zarivar Company, 1999- 2001.

4- Manager, "Section for Publication and Information”, Center of Iranian Statistics1996 – 1997.          

5- Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, Tarbiat Moallem University (T.M.U), Tehran, Iran, 1994 – 1996.      

Teaching Experiences

• Performance Measurement Systems, Iran University of Science & Technology, Department of Industrial Engineering, since 2010.

• Primary Inventory Planning and Control, Iran University of Science & Technology, Department of Industrial Engineering, since 2006.

• Advanced Inventory Planning and Control, Iran University of Science & Technology, Department of Industrial Engineering, since 2006.

• Strategic Planning, MS course, Iran University of Science & Technology, Department of Industrial Engineering, since 2006.

• Research Method, MS course, Iran University of Science & Technology, Department of Industrial Engineering, since 2006.

• Instructor of Physics, University of Tehran (UT) & Tarbiat Moallem University (T.M.U), 1990 – 2001.

Selected Written Works

 [1]  ZANDIYEH F., GHANNAD POUR S., MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., "New integrated routing and surveillance model with drones and charging station considerations", EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH, Vol. 313 , 2024.

[2] FEKRI M., HEYDARI M., MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., "Bi-Objective Optimization of Flexible Flow Shop Scheduling Problem with Multi-skilled Human Resources", ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, Vol. 133, PP. 1_36, 2024.

[3]DARGAHI DARABAD S., IZADBAKHSH M., GHANNAD POUR S., NOORI S., MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., "A new bi-objective green construction model for multi project supply chain management under uncertainty", International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Production Research, Vol. 35, No. 1 , 2024.

[4] ZANDIYEH F., GHANNAD POUR S., MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., "Integrated ground vehicle and drone routing with simultaneous surveillance coverage for evading intentional disruption", TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART E-LOGISTICS AND TRANSPORTATION REVIEW, Vol. 178, PP. 103266, 2023.

[5] NAMAKSHENAS M., MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., BRAAKSMA A., HEYDARI M., "Appointment scheduling for medical diagnostic centers considering time-sensitive pharmaceuticals: A dynamic robust optimization approach", EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH, Vol. 305, No. 3 , 2023.

[6] FEKRI M., HEYDARI M., MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., "Two-objective optimization of preventive maintenance orders scheduling as a multi-skilled resource-constrained flow shop problem", Decision Science Letters, Vol. 12, No. 1, PP. 41_54, 2023.

[7] NAMAKSHENAS M., BRAAKSMA A., MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., "Minimising total earliness and tardiness with periodically supplied non-renewable resource profiles", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH, Vol. 60, No. 10, PP. 1_12, 2022.

[8] HOSSEINZADEH M., HEYDARI M., MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., "New mathematical modelling and a constructive heuristic algorithm for integrated process planning and scheduling", Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Vol. 14, No. 4, PP. 30_49, 2022.

[9] HOSSEINZADEH M., HEYDARI M., MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., "Mathematical modeling and two metaheuristic algorithms for integrated process planning and group scheduling with sequence?dependent setup time", Operational Research, Vol. 22, No. 5, PP. 5055_5105, 2022.

[10] GHAMARI R., MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., GHANNAD POUR S., "Resilient and sustainable supplier selection via a new framework: a case study from the steel industry", ENVIRONMENT DEVELOPMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY, Vol. 24, No. 24, PP. 10403_10441, 2022.

[11] BANK M., MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., HEYDARI M., TEIMOURY E., "Coordinating Lot Sizing and Integrated Production and Distribution Scheduling with Batch Delivery and Holding Cost", KYBERNETES, Vol. 51, No. 3, PP. 1_5, 2022.

[12] ASSBI A., JAFARI M., MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., MALEKI M., "Structural Model of Foresightful Export-Oriented Strategies for Iran Pharmaceutical Industry Using the Fuzzy DEMATEL Method", Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal, Vol. 23, No. 11, PP. 1_10, 2021.

[13] JASSBI A., JAFARI M., MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., MALEKI M., "Identifying the Challenges and Discussing about Current Situation of the Iranian Pharmaceutical Industry Based on a Systematic Analysis of Experts Opinion", journal of system management, Vol. 7, No. 1, PP. 1_20, 2021.

[14] ZOLFAGHARI S., ALIAHMADI A., MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., ZARE J., "The alignment between business strategy and project strategy and its effects on the dimensions of project success using PLS-SEM", International Journal of Business Excellence, Vol. 21, No. 2, PP. 250_273, 2020.

[15] MAHJOUB N., SAHEBI SHAHEMABADI H., MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., TEYMOURI A., "Optimal design of the second and third generation biofuel supply network by a multi-objective model", JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, Vol. 256, PP. 120355, 2020.

[16] KAZEMI H., MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., ROSTAMI M., HEYDARI M., "The integrated production-distribution scheduling in parallel machine environment by using improved genetic algorithms", Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering, Vol. 38, No. 3, PP. 157_170, 2020.

[17] BANK M., MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., HEYDARI M., "Applying meta-heuristic algorithms for an integrated production-distribution problem in a two level supply chain", Uncertain Supply Chain Management, Vol. 8, No. 1, PP. 77_92, 2020.

[18] SOUDI A., HEYDARI M., MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., "A new approach for integrated surgical procedure scheduling with arrival uncertainty", International Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 34, No. 3, PP. 430_450, 2019.

[19] NOROOZI A., MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., HEYDARI M., RASTI-BARZOKI M., "Coordinating order acceptance and integrated lot streaming-batch delivery scheduling considering third party logistics", Uncertain Supply Chain Management, Vol. 7, No. 1, PP. 73_96, 2019.

[20] SOLTAN NEZHAD M., MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., MAKUI A., "Performance evaluation and ranking of direct sales stores using BSC approach and fuzzy multiple attribute decision-making methods", Decision Science Letters, Vol. 7, PP. 197_210, 2018.

[21] NOROOZI A., MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., HEYDARI M., RASTI-BARZOKI M., "Coordinating order acceptance and integrated production-distribution scheduling with batch delivery considering Third Party Logistics distribution", JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS, Vol. 46, PP. 29_45, 2018.


[23] AHMADI BASIR S.S., MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., NAMAKSHENAS M., "Bi-level genetic algorithms for a two-stage assembly flow-shop scheduling problem with batch delivery system", COMPUTERS and INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING, Vol. 126, PP. 217_231, 2018.

[24] ZOLFAGHARI S., ALIAHMADI A., MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., "From strategy to project effectiveness introducing the three stages of strategic project management", International Journal of Business Excellence, Vol. 12, No. 3, PP. 308_328, 2017.

[25] ROSTAMI M., BAGHERPOUR M., MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., MAKUI A., "Resource Pool Location for Periodic Services in Decentralized Multi-Project Scheduling Problems", JOURNAL OF COMPUTING IN CIVIL ENGINEERING, Vol. 31, No. 5, PP. 04017022_04017025, 2017.

[26] NOROOZI A., MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., NOGHONDARIAN K., RASTI-BARZOKI M., HEYDARI M., "Evolutionary computation algorithms to coordinating order acceptance and batch delivery for an integrated supply chain scheduling", COMPUTATIONAL and APPLIED MATHEMATICS, Vol. 5, PP. 1_51, 2017.

[27] NAMAKSHENAS M., PISHVAEE M., MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., "Event-driven and Attribute-driven Robustness", Iranian Journal of Operations Research, Vol. 8, PP. 78_90, 2017.

[28Zolfaghari, S., Aliahmadi, A.,  MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., From strategy to project effectiveness: introducing the three stages of strategic project management. International Journal of Business Excellence, Vol. 12, No. 3, PP. 308_328, 2017.

[29] KAZEMI H., MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., ROSTAMY M., "The two stageassembly flow-shop scheduling problem with batching and delivery", ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, No. 63, PP. 98_107, 2017.

[30] SEYEDHOSSEINI S., MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., MAKUI A., GHOREYSHI S., "An Inventory Routing Problem for Perishable Products with Stochastic Demands and Direct Deliveries", International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Production Research, Vol. 27, No. 1, PP. 21_30, 2016.

[31] POORHANIFEH G., MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., "Identifying the critical success factors of organization with Analytic Hierarchy Process approach (case study Iran Argham Company)", Problems and Perspectives in Management, Vol. 14, No. 4, PP. 54_60, 2016.

[32] MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., JAFARI M., AKHAVAN P., MOUSAVI S., "Improving product development performance through knowledge outsourcing a study of the Iranian automotive industry", South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, Vol. 27, No. 2, PP. 120_131, 2016.

[33] MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., HEYDARI M., KARAMUZIAN A., "An integrated model of scheduling batch delivery and supplier selection in a make-to-order manufacturing system", Decision Science Letters, Vol. 5, No. 2, PP. 189_200, 2016.

[34] HESAM AMIRI S., MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., Bourouni A., "Knowledge-based strategy selection a hybrid model and its implementation", Journal of Information & Knowledge Management, Vol. 46, No. 1, PP. 21_44, 2016.

[35] ROSTAMI M., PILEROOD A., MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., "Multi-objective parallel machine scheduling problem with job deterioration and learning effect under fuzzy environment", COMPUTERS and INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING, Vol. 85, PP. 206_215, 2015.

[36] MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., SHAFIA M.,  Bandarian R., KAHRIZI A., "An ISM approach for analyzing the factors in technology transfer", Decision Science Letters, Vol. 4, PP. 335_348, 2015.

[37] MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., EMADI KHIAV M., PARSA I., "A heuristic to solve the dynamic lot sizing problem with supplier selection and quantity discounts", COMPUTERS and INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING, Vol. 85, PP. 33_43, 2015.

[38] HESAM AMIRI S., MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., JAFARI M., SHAHANAGHI K., "Knowledge management reliability assessment an empirical investigation", Aslib Journal of Information Management, Vol. 6 , 2015.

[39] MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., ROSTAMI M., "A branch-and-bound algorithm for two-machine flow-shop scheduling problems with batch delivery costs", International Journal of Systems Science Operations Logistics, Vol. 1, PP. 94_104, 2014.

[40] MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., KARAMOUZIAN A., "Evaluating strategic issues in supply chain scheduling using game theory", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH, Vol. 52, PP. 7100_7113, 2014.

[41] MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., AKHAVEN P., JAFARI M., MOUSAVI S., "A supply chain framework for knowledge creation in new product development", Applied Mathematics in Engineering Management and Technology, Vol. 2, PP. 626_640, 2014.

[42] MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., "Knowledge management reliability and its impact on organizational performance an empirical study", Program-decision on Manuscript ID PROG, Vol. 48, No. 2 , 2014.

[43] GHOUSI R., MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., "Integration of Data Mining and Stochastic Dynamic Programming toPresent a Research Framework for After-sales Service", Applied mathematics in Engineering Management and Technology , 2014.

[44] BAYAT M., MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., "Robust Optimization Method for Online Flowshop Problem with Uncertain Processing Times and Preemption Penalties", INDIAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, Vol. 7, No. 7, PP. 1026_1038, 2014.

[45] MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., JALALINAEENI S., "Management of returned products to a remanufacturing facility considering arrival uncertainty and priority processing", International Journal of Operational Research , 2013.

[46] MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., JAFARI M., "Measuring the reliability of knowledge management Instrument development and validation", Aslib Proceedings New Information Perspectives , 2013.

[47] MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., HEYDARI M., "Stochastic online scheduling with preemption penalties", Journal of Mathematics and computer science, Vol. 6, No. 3, PP. 238_250, 2013.

[48] MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., HEYDARI M., "Scheduling stochastic two-machine flow shop problems to minimize expected makespan", Decision Science letters, Vol. 2, No. 3, PP. 163_174, 2013.

[49] MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., HEYDARI M., "Heuristic for stochastic online flowshop problem with preemption penalties", Hindawi publishing corporation, Vol. 2013 , 2013.

[50] MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., BAGHERPOUR M., "Fuzzy time- driven activity- based costing", Enginnering management Journal, Vol. 25, No. 3, PP. 63_73, 2013.

[51] MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., "Time-driven activity-based costing in aproduction planning environment", Proc IMechE Part B J Engineering Manufacture, Vol. 227, No. 2, PP. 333_337, 2013.

[52] MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., "Minimizing maximum tardiness and delivery costs in a batched delivery system", Computers and Industrial Engineering, No. 66, PP. 675_682, 2013.

[53] MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., "An FPTAS for Minimizing the Weighted Number of Tardy Jobs With Group Due Dates Assignment Resource Allocation and Distribution planning in Supply Chain", Int j Industrial engineering and production Management, Vol. 24, No. 2, PP. 204_214, 2013.

[54] MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., "A multi supplier lot sizing strategy using dynamic programming", International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations, Vol. 4, No. 1, PP. 61_70, 2013.

[55] MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., "A branch and bound algorithm to minimize the total weighed numberof tardy jobs and delivery costs", APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING, Vol. 37, PP. 4924_4937, 2013.

[56] MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., JAFARI M., "Hyundai customer satisfaction Measurement in field of sales and after sales service refer to Marketing mix factors in Iran", Journal of American Science, Vol. 8, No. 10, PP. 1_8, 2012.

[57] MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., "Solving a single machine stochastic scheduling problemusing a branch and bound algorithm and simulated annealing", International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management, Vol. 7, No. 2, PP. 110_118, 2012.

[58] MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., "An empirical investigation of entrepreneurship intensity in Iranian state universities", High Educ, Vol. 65, No. 2, PP. 207_226, 2012.

[59] MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., "A new outsourcing framework A case study of educational institution activities", management science letters, PP. 1005_1010, 2012.

[60] SHAFIA M., MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., "applying fuzzy balanced scorecard for evaluating the CRM performance", INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT and DATA SYSTEMS , 2011.

[61] MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., JAFARI M., "A genetic algorithm for minimizing total tardiness/earliness of weighted jobs in a batched delivery system", COMPUTERS and INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING, PP. 29_38, 2011.

[62] MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., "Single-machine batch scheduling minimizing weighted flow times", APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING, Vol. 35, No. 1, PP. 563_570, 2011.

[63] MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., "A mathematical model for weighted tardy jobs scheduling problem with a batched delivery system", International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations, PP. 491_498, 2011.

[64] JAFARI M., MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., "Development and evaluation of a knowledge risk management model for project-based organizations a multi-stage study", MANAGEMENT DECISION, Vol. 49, No. 3, PP. 309_329, 2011.

[65] JAFARI M., MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., "Development and evaluation of a knowledge risk management model for project-based organizations a multi-stage study", MANAGEMENT DECISION, Vol. 49, No. 3, PP. 309_329, 2011.

[66] MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., "Strategic planning model for Startups A case study of Iranian packaging industry", management science letters, Vol. 1, No. 2, PP. 157_166, 2010.

[67] MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., "Minimizing Total Weighted Tardiness with Drop Dead Dates in Single Machine Scheduling Problem", International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Production Research, Vol. 21, No. 2, PP. 89_95, 2010.

[68] MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., "A fuzzy modeling for single machine scheduling problem with deteriorating jobs", International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations, Vol. 1, No. 2, PP. 147_156, 2010.

[69] MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., "Parallel machines scheduling to minimize job tardiness and machine deteriorating cost with deteriorating jobs", APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING , 2009.

Conference Attendance

 Articles in English

•  NAMAKSHENAS M., PISHVAEE M., MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., "Robustifying against Event-driven and Attribute-driven Uncertainties", Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Industrial Engineering, PP. 1_5, 2017.

•  ROSTAMI M., Shahin M.B., SHAHIN M., MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., JABBARZADEH A., "A Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization to Minimize Maximum Tardiness with Batch Delivery and Job Release Times", Proceedings of international conference on management and industrial engineering , 2015.

[•  MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., "Formulating and choosing strategies using SWOT analysis and QSPM matrix A case study of Hamadan glass company", Proceedings of 41st International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering , 2011.

•  MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., "parallel machines scheduling to minimize job tardiness and machine deteriorating cost in a deteriorating system", Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Industrial and Systems Engineering , 2008.

•  MAHDAVI MAZSEH M., "benefils of cooperation between the supplier and manufacturer to minimize the sum of flow times in a supply chain", Proceedings of 5th International Industrial Engineering Conference , 2008.

Articles in Persian

• "The total job completion time optimization in the M-machine permutation flow-shop considering of release time and batch delivery costs", The 10th International Industrial Engineering Conference, 27-28 January 2014, Mohammad Mahdavi Mazdeh, Mohammad Mohammadpanhah.

• "Management of Dynamic Capabilities for Creating Service Innovation in Manufacturing Firms", The 3th International and 7th National Conference on Management of Technology, 10- 11 December 2013,  Abdolmajid Kahrizi, Mohammad Mahdavi Mazdeh, Farhad Afshar Hossein Abadi.

• "Providing A Model for Evaluation of the Organization Performance Educational Center in Using the Balanced Scorecard", The 10th International Conference on Strategic Management, 24-25 November 2013, Leili Bahiraee, Amir Hosein Mirabi, Mohammad Mahdavi Mazdeh.

• "Strategic Technology Management; A Key Success Factor for Iranian Companies to Enter the Arena of International Competition", The 10th Annual Conference on Strategic Management, 6-7 November 2013, Mohammad Mahdavi Mazdeh, Abdolmajid Kahrizi.

• "Presentation of a Decision Support System by use of Data Mining Techniques in the Unit of After-Sales Service of an Iranian Automotive Manufacturer", The 9th International Industrial Engineering Conference, January 2013, Amir Ebrahimzadeh, Rozbeh Ghosi, Mohammad Mahdavi Mazdeh.

• "Key Success Factors in Strategy Outsourcing to Determine the Desirable Methodology", The 8th International Industrial Engineering Conference, February 2012, Mohammad Mahdavi Mazdeh, Mohammad Reza Lotfollah Hamedani.

• "Applying Tow-Level DEA for Supplier Selection Based on Risk Factors", The 8th International Industrial Engineering Conference, February 2012, Mohammad Ali Shafia, Mohammad Mahdavi Mazdeh, Morteza Bagherpour, Mehrdokht Pournader.

• "Revision of Porter's five forces competitive model in Iran by considering the role of government as a superior force", The 4th International Conference on Strategic Management, January 2010, Mohammad Mahdavi Mazdeh, Atena Asadi, Razieh Pirouzfar.

• "Ten Basic & Effective Aspects of Strategic Planning of Iran Cities & Municipalities with Emphasis on Tehran city & Municipality", The 4th International Conference on Strategic Management, January 2010, Mohammad Mahdavi Mazdeh, Javad Maleki.


• "A Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) for Performance Evaluation in Higher Education Based on Balanced Scorecard (BSC)", 3th International Conference on Strategic Management, November 2008, Mohammad Mahdavi Mazdeh, Atena Asadi, Razieh Pirouzfar. 


• "The effect of Creativity and Innovation in R&D Organizations", proceeding of the 7st R&D conference, July 2008, Mohammad Mahdavi Mazdeh, Siamak Noori, Mohammad Reza Zahedi.

• "The interaction of IT, Entrepreneurship and engagement", proceeding of the 7st R&D conference, July 2008, Mohammad Mahdavi Mazdeh, Siamak Noori, Mohammad Reza Zahedi.

Published Books

• "The Competitive Advantage of Nations (Diamond Model), (In Persian), 2012.

Research Projects

• "A Comparison between Expenditure of an Average Urban Family and  the income of University Faculty Members, during 1978/1997 and presenting a Plan for the compensation of Faculty Members salary deficit", Investigation for Ministry of Education, Research and Technology, Fall 1999.

• "Evaluating the entrepreneurial characteristics of “IUST” students and ranking of ”IUST” faculties regarding to these characteristics", Iranian University of Science and Technology, 2008.

• "Entrepreneurial University; identifying the effective criteria", Iranian University of Science and Technology and Tehran University, since 2009.

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