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قطب علمی" بهســــا"::
درباره مهندسی صنایع::
معرفی افراد::
امور آموزش::
امور پژوهش::
مرکز کامپیوتر::
اخبار دانشکده::
تقویم دانشکده::
تسهیلات پایگاه::
شعار دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران
مرام‌نامه اساتید
منشور اخلاقی دانشجویان
اخبار و اطلاعیه‌‌های آموزشی

دفاعیه‌ها و سمینارها






مطالب علمی
راهنمــای تصویب پروپــوزال دانشجویان کارشنــاسی ارشد
برنامه 8 ترمه (مقطع کارشناسی)


امروز: دوشنبه مورخ 22 بهمن 1403

جستجو در پایگاه

جستجوی پیشرفته
دریافت اطلاعات پایگاه
نشانی پست الکترونیک خود را برای دریافت اطلاعات و اخبار پایگاه، در کادر زیر وارد کنید.
آخرین مطالب سایر بخش‌ها
:: نتایج مسابقه کتابخوانی ، کتاب "زندگی مشترک" ۳۰ دی ۱۴۰۳
:: برگزاری جشن میلاد امیرالمومنین حضرت علی (ع) و روز پدر / ۲۴دی۱۴۰۳
:: جشن روز زن و گرامیداشت مقام مادر به مناسبت میلاد فرخنده حضرت فاطمه زهرا(س)/ ۳دی۱۴۰۳
:: دوره آموزشی جانشین‌پروری (ویژه مدیران غیرهیئت‌علمی) برگزار گردید
:: بروشور مسیر گردشگری علمی دانش آموزی دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران
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امکانات سایت( ارسال پیام، پرسش،نظر و...)
:: شرح حال علمی ::

دکتر سید مهدی حسینی مطلق


عضو گروه  لجستیک و زنجیره تأمین

Email : motlagh AT iust.ac.ir

تلفن داخلی: 5070 - 7322





تحصیلات دانشگاهی

• دکتری: مهندسی صنایع-گرایش مهندسی صنایع 1382-1387 ، دانشگاه تربیت مدرس 

• کارشناسی ارشد: مهندسی صنایع- گرایش مهندسی صنایع 1380-1382 ، دانشگاه تربیت مدرس 

• کارشناسی: مهندسی صنایع- گرایش تولید صنعتی 1376-1380 ، دانشگاه علم و صنعت

زمینه های تخصصی و تحقیقاتی

• کاربردهای تحقیق در عملیات در سیستم‌های سلامت؛ زنجیره تأمین خون؛ زنجیره تأمین دارو؛

طراحی شبکه‌های لجستیک و زنجیره تأمین؛ 

• مدل‌های زمانبندی و مسیریابی در زنجیرۀ تأمین؛

مدل‌های هماهنگی در زنجیره تأمین؛ 

• برنامه‌ریزی احتمالی و بهینه‌سازی استوار؛ 

سوابق تدریس دانشگاهی

• 1389-تاکنون دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران، استادیار

• 1387-1389 دانشگاه خواجه نصیر طوسی، استادیار مدعو

• 1385-1387 دانشگاه شاهد، مربی

• 1383-1385 دانشگاه الزهرا، مربی مدعو

 نام دروس تدریس شده :

1- کارشناسی

•تحقیق در عملیات

• کنترل موجودی

• طرح‌ریزی واحدهای صنعتی

2- کارشناسی ارشد و دکتری

•تجزیه و تحلیل شبکه

• مدل‌های زمانبندی و بهینه‌سازی حمل و نقل 

•باز مهندسی فرآیندهای کاری 


مقالات منتشر شده در مجلات بین المللی ( ISI,ISC )


1.     Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Ghatreh Samani MR., Homaei S., (2023). Design of control strategies to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 pandemic, European Journal of Operational Research, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2021.11.016 (Q1, IF:5.33)

2.     Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Ghatreh Samani MR., (2023). A novel capacity sharing mechanism to collaborative activities in the blood collection process during the COVID-19 outbreak, International Journal of Production Research, https://doi.org/10.1080/00207543.2023.2254394 (Q1, IF:6.72)

3.     Nouri M., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., (2023). Dynamic discount pricing in online retail systems: Effects of post-discount dynamic forces, Expert Systems with Applications, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2023.120864 (Q1, IF:4.58)

4.     Ghatreh Samani MR., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., (2023). Dynamic discount pricing in online retail systems: Effects of post-discount dynamic forces, Expert Systems with Applications, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2023.120629 (Q1, IF:4.58)

5.     Johari M., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., (2023). An evolutionary game theory approach for analyzing risk-based financing schemes, Annals of Operations Research, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-023-05308-3 (Q1, IF:5.33)

6.     Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Ghatreh Samani MR., Karimi B., (2023). Resilient and social health service network design to reduce the effect of COVID-19 outbreak, Annals of Operations Research, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-023-05363-w (Q1, IF:6.72)

7.     Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Jazinaninejad M., Nami N., (2023). Recall management in pharmaceutical industry through supply chain coordination, Annals of Operations Research, https://doi.org/ 10.1007/s10479-020-03720-7 (Q1, IF:4.58)

8.     Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Johari M., Nematollahi M., Pazari P., (2023). Reverse supply chain management with dual channel and collection disruptions: supply chain coordination and game theory approaches, Annals of Operations Research, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-022-04909-8 (Q1, IF:5.43)

9.     Ghatreh Samani MR., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Shiri M., (2023). Integrated bioethanol supply chain planning from rice straw under various risks, Environment, Development and Sustainability, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10668-023-03761-5 (Q1, IF:3.84)

10.  Johari M., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., (2022). Evolutionary behaviors regarding pricing and payment-convenience strategies with uncertain risk, European Journal of Operational Research, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2021.05.012 (Q1, IF:5.33)

11.  Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Choi TM., Johari M., Nouri-Harzvili M., (2022). A profit surplus distribution mechanism for supply chain coordination: An evolutionary game-theoretic analysis, European Journal of Operational Research, Accepted (Q1, IF:5.33)

12.  Haeri A., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Ghatreh Samani MR., Rezaei M., (2022). An integrated socially responsible-efficient approach toward health service network design, Annals of Operations Research, Accepted (Q1, IF:4.58)

13.  Ebrahimi S., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Nematollahi M., Cárdenas-Barrón LE., (2022) Coordinating double-level sustainability effort in a sustainable supply chain under cap-and-trade regulation, Expert Systems with Applications, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2022.117872. (Q1, IF:4.01)

14.  Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Nematollahi M., Ebrahimi S., (2022). Tri-party reverse supply chain coordination with competitive product acquisition process, Journal of the Operational Research Society, https://doi.org/10.1080/01605682.2020.1824550 (Q1, IF:2.86)

15.  Nami N., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., (2022). Central robust decision-making structure for reverse supply chain: a real pharmaceutical case, Computers and Industrial Engineering. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cie.2022.108726 (Q1, IF:9.29)

16.  Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Farahmand M., Nouri M., (2022). A multi-path traffic-covering pollution routing model with simultaneous pickup and delivery, Computers and Industrial Engineering. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cie.2022.108644(Q1, IF:9.29)

17.  Nouri-Harzvili M., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Zirakpourdehkordi R., (2022). Evolutionary Marketing Strategies for New High-Technology Product Sales: Effects of Customers’ Innovation Adoption, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, https://doi.org/ 10.1109/TEM.2022.3207685  (Q1, IF:5.43)

18.  Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Nematollahi M., Cárdenas-Barrón L-E, Tiwari S, (2022). Coordinating visit interval and safety stock decisions in a two-level supply chain with shelf-life considerations Computers and Operations Research, Computers and Operations Research. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cor.2021.105651 (Q1, IF:4)

19.  Nouri-Harzvili M., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Pazari P., (2022). Optimizing the competitive service and pricing decisions of dual retailing channels: A combined coordination model, Computers and Industrial Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cie.2021.107789 (Q1, IF:5.43)

20.  Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Johari M., Pazari P., (2022). Coordinating pricing, warranty replacement and sales service decisions in a competitive dual-channel retailing system, Computers and Industrial Engineering, Accepted (Q1, IF:5.43)

21.  Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Gilani Larimi N., Oveisinejad M., (2022). A qualitative, patient-centered perspective toward plasma products supply chain network design with risk controlling, Operational Research, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12351-019-00515-y (Q2, IF:2.41)

22.  Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Jazinaninejad M., Nami n., (2022). Coordinating a socially concerned reverse supply chain for pharmaceutical waste management considering government role, Environment, Development and Sustainability. (Q2, IF:3.21)

23.  Nematollahi M., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., (2022). A collaborative decision-making model for collecting unused medications in an environmentally responsible pharmaceutical supply chain, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. Accepted (Q2, IF:2.86)

24.  Nikkhah Qamsari A., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Ghannadpour SF., (2022). A column generation approach for an inventory routing problem with fuzzy time windows, Operational Research, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12351-020-00593-3 (Q2, IF:2.41)

25.  Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Johari M., Zirakpourdehkordi R, (2021). Grain production management to reduce global warming potential under financial constraints and time value of money using evolutionary game theory, International Journal of Production Research. https://doi.org/10.1080/00207543.2020.1723813 (Q1, IF:8.56)

26.  Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Ghatreh Samani MR., (2021). A novel capacity sharing mechanism to collaborative activities in the blood collection process during the COVID-19 outbreak, Applied Soft Copmuting, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asoc.2021.107821 (Q1, IF:6.72)

27.  Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Ghatreh Samani MR., Farokhnejad P., (2021). Designing a testing kit supply network for suspected COVID-19 cases under mixed uncertainty approach, Applied Soft Copmuting, Accepted (Q1, IF:6.72)

28.  Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Ebrahimi, S, Jokar A., (2021). Sustainable supply chain coordination under competition and green effort scheme, Journal of the Operational Research Society, https://doi.org/10.1080/01605682.2019.1671152 (Q1, IF:2.86)

29.  Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Nematollahi M., Nami N, (2021). Drug Recall management and Channel Coordination under Stochastic Product Defect Severity: A Game-Theoretic Analytical Study, International Journal of Production Research. https://doi.org/10.1080/00207543.2020.1723813 (Q1, IF:8.56)

30.  Ghatreh Samani MR., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., (2021). A mixed uncertainty approach to design a bioenergy network considering sustainability and efficiency measures, Computers and Chemical Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compchemeng.2021.107305 (Q1, IF:3.84)

31.  Nouri M., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Nematollahi M., (2021). Proposing a discount policy for two-level supply chain coordination with periodic review replenishment and promotional efforts decisions, Operational Research, DOI: https://doi.org/ 10.1007/s12351-018-0434-x (Q2, IF:2.41)

32.  Ghatreh Samani MR., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., (2021). A robust framework for designing blood network in disaster relief: A real-life case, Operational Research, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12351-020-00588-0 (Q2, IF:2.41)

33.  Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Ghatreh Samani MR., Abbasi F., (2021). Strategic optimization of wheat supply chain network under uncertainty: A real case study, Operational Research, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12351-019-00515-y (Q2, IF:2.41)

34.  Johari M., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Nematollahi M., Goh M., Ignatius J., (2021). Socially concerned periodic review replenishment system with customer service level and supply chain contracting. RAIRO-Operations Research, Accepted (Q3, IF:1.39)

35.  Johari M., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Nematollahi M., (2021). The coordinator role of trade credit contract for coordinating integrated pricing and periodic review inventory decisions with stochastic demand, Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, https://doi.org/10.1142/S021759592050058X (Q3, IF: 0.757)

36.  Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Ghatreh Samani MR., Shahbazbegian V., (2020). Innovative Strategy to Design a Mixed Resilient-Sustainable Electricity Supply Chain Network under Uncertainty, Applied Energy, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2020.115921 (Q1, IF:9.74)

37.  Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Nami N., Farshadfar Z., (2020). Collection disruption management and channel coordination in a socially concerned closed-loop supply chain: a game theory approach, Journal of Cleaner Production, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.124173 (Q1, IF:9.29)

38.  Shahbazbegian V., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Haeri A., (2020). Integrated Forward/Reverse logistics Thin-Film Photovoltaic Power Plant Supply Chain Network Design with Uncertain Data, Applied Energy, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2020.115538 (Q1, IF:9.74)

39.  Ghatreh Samani MR., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Homaei S., (2020). A reactive phase against disruptions for designing a proactive platelet supply network, Transportation Research Part E, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tre.2019.07.006  (Q1, IF:6.87)

40.  Haeri A., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Ghatreh Samani MR., Rezaei M., (2020). A bi-level programming approach for improving relief logistics operations: A real case in Kermanshah earthquake, Computers and Industrial Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cie.2020.106532 (Q1, IF:5.43)

41.  Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Johari M., Nouri-Harzvili M., Sarker BR., (2020). Coordinating economic incentives, customer service and pricing decisions in a competitive closed-loop supply chain, Journal of Cleaner Production, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.120241 (Q1, IF:9.29)

42.  Jokar A., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., (2020). Simultaneous Coordination of Order Quantity and Corporate Social responsibility in a Two-Echelon Supply Chain: A Combined Contract Approach, Journal of the Operational Research Society, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/01605682.2018.1524349. (Q1, IF:2.86)

43.  Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Ebrahimi S., Zirakpour R., (2020). Coordination of dual-function acquisition price and corporate social responsibility in a sustainable closed-loop supply chain, Journal of Cleaner Production, Accepted. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.119629 (Q1, IF:9.29)

44.  Heidari M., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Nikoo N., (2020). A subway planning bi-objective multi-periods optimization model integrating timetabling and vehicle scheduling: Tehran case study, Transportation, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11116-018-9895-2 (Q1, IF:5.19)

45.  Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Johari M., Ebrahimi S., Rogetzer P., (2020). Competitive channels coordination in a closed-loop supply chain based on energy-saving effort and cost-tariff contract, Computers and Industrial Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cie.2020.106763 (Q1, IF:5.43)

46.  Sharifi M., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Ghatreh Samani MR., Kalhor T., (2020). Novel resilient-sustainable strategies for second-generation biofuel network design considering Neem and Eruca Sativa under hybrid stochastic fuzzy robust approach, Computers and Chemical Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compchemeng.2020.107073 (Q1, IF:3.84)

47.  Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Ghatreh Samani MR., Homaei S., (2020). Toward a coordination of inventory and distribution schedules for blood in disasters, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seps.2019.07.001. (Q1, IF:4.92)

48.  Haeri A., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Ghatreh Samani MR., Rezaei M., (2020). A Mixed Resilient-Efficient Approach toward Blood Supply Chain Network Design, International Transactions in Operational Research, https://doi.org/10.1111/itor.12714 (Q1, IF:4.19)

49.  Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Ghatreh Samani MR., Abbasi F., (2020). A novel hybrid approach for synchronized development of sustainability and resiliency in the wheat network, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compag.2019.105095, (Q1, IF:5.56)

50.  Cheraghi S., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., (2020). Responsive and reliable injured-oriented blood supply chain for disaster relief: A real case study, Annals of Operations Research, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-018-3050-5 (Q1, IF:4.58)

51.  Rahmani S., Haeri A., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., (2020). Proposing channel coordination and horizontal cooperation in two competitive three-echelon reverse supply chains, International Transactions in Operational Research, https://doi.org/10.1111/itor.12718 (Q1, IF:4.19)

52.  Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Ghatreh Samani MR., Cheraghi S., (2020). Robust and Stable Flexible Blood Supply Chain Network Design under Motivational Initiatives, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seps.2019.07.001. (Q1, IF:4.92)

53.  Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Ghatreh Samani MR., Homaei S., (2020). Blood Supply Chain Management: Robust Optimization, Disruption Risk, & Blood Group Compatibility (A real-life case), Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12652-019-01315-0. (Q1, IF:7.1)

54.  Nikkhah Qamsari A., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Ghatreh Samani MR., (2020). A Robust Possibilistic Approach for Multi-Depot Inventory Routing Problem, International Journal of Industrial Engineering: Theory, Applications and Practice, Accepted. (Q2, IF:0.44)

55.  Rabiei M., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Haeri A., Minaei Bidgoli, B., (2020). Evolution of IT, Management and Industrial Engineering research: a topic model approach, Scientia Iranica, Accepted. (Q2, IF:1.43)

56.  Johari M., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., (2020). Coordination contract for a competitive pharmaceutical supply chain considering corporate social responsibility and pricing decisions. RAIRO-Operations Research, https://doi.org/10.1051/ro/2019073 (Q3, IF:1.39)

57.  Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Ebrahimi S., Nouri M., Nematollahi M., (2020). Coordination of competitive advertising via investing in transportation lead time reduction, International Journal of Transportation Engineering

58.  Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Ebrahimi S., Farshadfar Z., (2020). Coordination of R&D effort, pricing and periodic review replenishment decisions in a green supply chain through a delay in payment contract, Iranian Journal of Management Studies, https://doi.org/10.22059/IJMS.2019.273080.673464

59.  Ebrahimi S., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Nematollahi M., (2020). A mathematical model to coordination of review period and order-up-to level in a decentralized two level supply chain with delay in payment, Industrial Management Studies, Accepted.

60.  Alinejad H., Yaghoubi S., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., (2020). A Fuzzy Approach for Vehicle Routing Problem with Simultaneous Pickup and Delivery and Time Windows using Improved PSO (Case Study), Industrial Management Studies, Accepted.

61.  Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Nematollahi M., Johari M., Choi TM. (2019). Reverse Supply Chain Systems Coordination Across Multiple Links with Duopolistic Third-Party Collectors, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems. https://doi.org/10.1109/TSMC.2019.2911644. (Q1, IF:13.45)

62.  Hosseini-Motlagh SM. Govindan K., Nematollahi M., Jokar A., (2019). An adjustable bi-level wholesale price contract for coordinating a three-level socially responsible supply chain under scenario-based stochastic demand, International Journal of Production Economics, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpe.2019.03.003 . (Q1, IF:7.88)

63.  Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Nouri M., Choi TM., Ebrahimi S. (2019). Reverse Supply Chain Systems Optimization with Dual Channel and Demand Disruptions: Sustainability, CSR Investment and Pricing Coordination, Information Sciences, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ins.2019.07.021. (Q1, IF:6.79)

64.  Johari M., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Rasti-Barzoki M., (2019). An evolutionary game theoretic model for analyzing pricing strategy and socially concerned behavior of manufacturers, Transportation Research Part E, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tre.2019.07.006  (Q1, IF:6.87)

65.  Seyedhosseini SM., Hosseini-Motlagh SM. Johari M., Jazinaninejad M., (2019). Social price-sensitivity of demand for competitive supply chain coordination, Computers and Industrial Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cie.2019.05.019 (Q1, IF:5.43)

66.  Ghatreh Samani MR., Hosseini-Motlagh SM. Ghannadpour SF., (2019). A multilateral perspective towards blood network design in an uncertain environment: methodology and implementation, Computers and Industrial Engineering, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cie.2019.02.049. (Q1, IF:5.43)

67.  Ghatreh Samani MR., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., (2019). An Enhanced Procedure for Managing Blood Supply Chain under Disruptions and Uncertainties, Annals of Operations Research, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-018-2873-4 (Q1, IF:4.58)

68.  Johari M., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., (2019). Coordination of social welfare, collecting, recycling and pricing decisions in a competitive sustainable closed-loop supply chain: A case for lead-acid battery, Annals of Operations Research, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-019-03292-1. (Q1, IF:4.58)

69.  Ghatreh Samani MR., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Izaddoust M., Shetab Boushehri SN., (2019). A Bi-Objective Integrated Model for the Uncertain Blood Network Design with Raising Products Quality, European Journal of Industrial Engineering, DOI: http://doi.org/10.1504/EJIE.2019.10021573 (Q1, IF:1.37)

70.   Ebrahimi S., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Nematollahi M., (2019). Proposing a delay in payment contract for coordinating a two-echelon periodic review supply chain with stochastic promotional effort dependent demand, International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 10 (5), 1037–1050. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13042-017-0781-6. (Q1, IF:4.01)

71.  Gilani Larimi N., Yaghoubi S., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., (2019). Itemized platelet supply chain with lateral transshipment under uncertainty evaluating inappropriate output in laboratories, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seps.2019.03.003. (Q1, IF:4.92)

72.  Yaghoubi S., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Cheraghi S., Gilani Larimi N., (2019). Designing a robust demand-differentiated platelet supply chain network under disruption and uncertainty Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing,  https://doi.org/10.1007/s12652-019-01315-0. (Q1, IF:7.1)

73.  Jazinaninejad M., SeyedHosseini SM., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Nematollahi M., (2019). Coordinated decision-making on manufacturer's EPQ-based and buyer's period review inventory policies with stochastic price-sensitive demand: A credit option approach, RAIRO-Operations Research, 53 (4), 1129-1154. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1051/ro/2018038 (Q3, IF:1.39)

74.  Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Nouri M., Zirakpour R., (2019). Two-level supply chain quality improvement through a wholesale price coordination contract on pricing, quality and services, International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Production Research. Accepted

75.  Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Ebrahimi S., Nami N., Ignatius J., (2019). Supply chain coordination through lead time crashing in a socially responsible supply chain considering transportation modes and carbon emissions tax, International Journal of Transportation Engineering, 6 (4), 331-354. DOI: https://doi.org/10.22119/IJTE.2018.112939.1383

76.  Ghatreh Samani MR., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., (2019). Evaluation and Selection of Most Preferable Supplementary Blood Centers in The Case of Tehran, International Journal of Hospital Research, Accepted.

77.  Rabiei M., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Minaei Bidgoli, B., (2019). Using One-Class SVM for Scientific Documents Classification: Case study: Iranian Environmental Thesis, Iranian Journal of Information Processing & Management Accepted.

78.  Nouri M., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Nematollahi M., (2019). Proposing a mathematical model for coordinating decisions in periodic review inventory systems and sharing the profit in a two-echelon decentralized supply chain, by considering quantity discount contract, Industrial Management Studies, 17 (52), 287-338. DOI: 10.22054/JIMS.2018.17520.1626

79.  Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Nematollahi M., Johari M., Sarker BR., (2018). A collaborative model for coordination of monopolistic manufacturer's promotional efforts and competing duopolistic retailers' trade credit, International Journal of Production Economics, 204, 108-122. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpe.2018.07.027 (Q1, IF:7.88)

80.  Nouri M., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Nematollahi M., Sarker BR., (2018). Coordinating manufacturer's innovation and retailer's promotion and replenishment using a compensation-based wholesale price contract, International Journal of Production Economics, 198, 11-24. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpe.2018.01.023 (Q1, IF:7.88)

81.  Johari M., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Nematollahi M., Ignatius J., Goh M., (2018). Bi-level credit period coordination for periodic review inventory system with price-credit dependent demand under time value of money, Transportation Research Part E, 114, 270-291. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tre.2018.04.008 (Q1, IF:6.87)

82.  Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Nematollahi M., Nouri M., (2018). Coordination of green quality and green warranty decisions in a two-echelon competitive supply chain with substitutable products, Journal of Cleaner Production 196, 961-984. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.06.123 (Q1, IF:9.29)

83.  Nematollahi M., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Ignatius J., Goh M., Saghafi Nia M., (2018). Coordinating a socially responsible pharmaceutical supply chain under periodic review replenishment policies, Journal of Cleaner Production 172, 2876-2891. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.11.126 (Q1, IF:9.29)

84.  Ghatreh Samani MR., Torabi SA., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., (2018). Integrated blood supply chain planning for disaster relief, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 27, 168-188. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2017.10.005 (Q1, IF:4.32)

85.  Majidi S., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Ignatius J., (2018). Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search heuristic for Pollution Routing Problem with simultaneous pickup and delivery, Soft Computing, 22 (9), 2851–2865. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00500-017-2535-5 (Q2, IF:3.64)

86.  Johari M., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., (2018). Coordination of cooperative promotion efforts with competing retailers in a manufacturer-retailer supply chain, Uncertain Supply Chain Management 6 (1), 25-48. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5267/j.uscm.2017.6.004

87.  Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Nouri M., Pazari P., (2018). Coordination of promotional effort, corporate social responsibility and periodic review replenishment decisions in a two-echelon socially responsible supply Chain, Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 11 (3), 60-83.

88.  Jokar A., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., (2018). A Two Phase Hybrid Heuristic Based On Clustering and Simulated Annealing for Two Echelon Location-Routing Problem, International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Production Management 28 (4), 664-681.

89.  Issabakhsh M., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Pishvaee MS., Saghafi Nia M., (2018). A Vehicle Routing Problem for Modeling Home Healthcare: a Case Study, International Journal of Transportation Engineering 5 (3), 211-228.

90.  Ebrahimi S., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., (2018). Coordination of a green supply chain with one manufacturer and two duopolistic retailers through an environmental and social cost-sharing contract, Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 11 (SI: Game Theory), 108-126.

91.  Foladi-Mahani S., Yaghoubi S., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Nematollahi M., (2018). Order quantity optimization in a two-level pharmaceutical supply chain, Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 11 (1), 127-146.

92.  Alinezhad H., Yaghoubi S., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Allahyari S., Saghafi Nia M., (2018). An Improved Particle Swarm Optimization for a Class of Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problems, International Journal of Transportation Engineering 5 (4), 331-347.

93.  Cheraghi S., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Ghatreh Samani MR., (2018). A robust bi-objective model for integrated blood supply chain network design considering transshipment between facilities under uncertainty, Quarterly Journal of Transportation Engineering, Accepted.

94.  Nematollahi M., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Heydari J., (2017). Coordination of social responsibility and order quantity in a two-echelon supply chain: A collaborative decision-making perspective, International Journal of Production Economics 184, 107-121. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpe.2016.11.017 (Q1, IF:7.88)

95.  Nematollahi M., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Heydari J., (2017). Economic and social collaborative decision-making on visit interval and service level in a two-echelon pharmaceutical supply chain, Journal of Cleaner Production 142 (4), 3956-3969. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.10.062 (Q1, IF:9.29)

96.  Rabiei M., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Haeri A., (2017). Using text mining techniques for identifying research gaps and priorities: a case study of the environmental science in Iran, Scientometrics 110 (2), 815–842. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-016-2195-8 (Q1, IF:3.23)

97.  Majidi S., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Yaghoubi S., Jokar A., (2017). Fuzzy green vehicle routing problem with simultaneous pickup—delivery and time windows, RAIRO-Operations Research, 51 (4), 1151-1176. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1051/ro/2017007  (Q3, IF:1.39)

98.  Johari M., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Nematollahi M., (2017).  Supply Chain Coordination using Different Modes of Transportation Considering Stochastic Price-Dependent Demand and Periodic Review Replenishment Policy, International Journal of Transportation Engineering 5 (2), 137-165.

99.  Johari M., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Nematollahi M., (2017). Simultaneous coordination of review period and order-up-to-level in a manufacturer-retailer chain, Journal of Industrial and System Engineering 10, 1-17.

100.                Ghatreh Samani MR., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., (2017). A Hybrid algorithm for a two-echelon location-routing problem with simultaneous pickup and delivery under fuzzy demand, International Journal of Transportation Engineering 5 (1), 59-85.

101.                Nikkhah Qamsari AS., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Jokar A., (2017). A two-phase hybrid heuristic method for a multi-depot inventory-routing problem, International Journal of Transportation Engineering 4 (4), 287-304.

102.                Cheraghi S., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., (2017). Optimal blood transportation in disaster relief considering facility disruption and route reliability under uncertainty, International Journal of Transportation Engineering 4 (3), 225-254.

103.                Cheraghi S., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Ghatreh Samani MR., (2017). Integrated planning for blood platelet production: a robust optimization approach, Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 10 (SI: Healthcare), 55-80.

104.                Cheraghi S., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Ghatreh Samani MR., (2017). A Robust Optimization Model for Blood Supply Chain Network Design, International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Production Research 27 (4) 425-444.

105.                Hojati S., Seyedhosseini SM., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Nematollahi M., (2017).  Coordination and profit sharing in a two-level supply chain under periodic review inventory policy with delay in payments contract, Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 10 (SI: production and inventory), 109-131.

106.                Issabakhsh M., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Ghatreh Samani MR., (2017). The Robust Periodic Vehicle Routing Problem of the Home Healthcare of Peritoneal Dialysis patients, Quarterly Journal of Transportation Engineering 8 (2) 231-252.

107.                Vakili P., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Gholamian MR., Jokar A., (2017). A developed model and heuristic algorithm for inventory routing problem in a cold chain with pharmaceutical products, Journal of Industrial Management 9 (2), 383-407. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22059/imj.2017.127742.1006884

108.                Ghatreh Samani MR., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Yaghoubi S., Jokar A., (2017). A Multi Objective Stochastic P-Robust Model for Two-Echelon Location-Routing Problem with Simultaneous Pickup and Delivery and Time Windows, Quarterly Journal of Transportation Engineering 8 (1), 53-73.

109.                Ghatreh Samani MR., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Yaghoubi S., Jokar A., (2017). A Hybrid Metaheuristic Method for Two-Echelon Location-Routing Problem with Pickup and Delivery, Journal of Industrial Engineering 51 (1), 101-115.

110.                Ghatreh Samani MR., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Jokar A., (2017). Presenting a Model and Heuristic Algorithm for Two-Echelon Location-Routing Problem under Uncertainty Considering the Simultaneous Pickup and Delivery, Journal of Modeling in Engineering, Accepted. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22075/jme.2017.5869.

111.                Nematollahi M., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Heydari J., (2017). A mathematical model for coordinating corporate social responsibility and order quantity in pharmaceutical supply chain, Journal of Modeling in Engineering, 15 (50) 245-260. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22075/jme.2017.2566

112.                Johari M., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Nematollahi M., (2016). Coordinating pricing and periodic review replenishment decisions in a two-echelon supply chain using quantity discount contract, Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Studies 3 (2), 58-87.

113.                Saremi S., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Sadjadi SJ., (2016). A Reschedule Design for Disrupted Liner Ships Considering Ports Demand and CO2 Emissions: The Case study of Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines, Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 9 (1), 126-148.

114.                Majidi S., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Yaghoubi S., Jokar A., (2016). An adaptive large neighborhood search heuristic for the green vehicle routing problem with simultaneously pickup and delivery and hard time windows, Industrial Engineering Research in Production Systems 3 (6), 149-165.

115.                Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Ahadpour P., Haeri A., (2015) Proposing an approach to calculate headway intervals to improve bus fleet scheduling using a data mining algorithm, Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 8 (4), 72-86.

116.                Jokar A., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., (2015). Impact of capacity of mobile units on blood supply chain performance: Results from a robust analysis, International Journal of Hospital Research 4 (3), 101-105.

117.                Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Behzadian M., Ignatius J., Goh M., Sepehri MM., Hua TK., (2015).  Fuzzy PROMETHEE GDSS for technical requirements ranking in HOQ, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 76 (9-12) 1993-2002. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00170-014-6233-5 (Q1, IF:3.22)

118.                Ignatius J., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Goh M., Sepehri MM, Mustafa A., Rahman A., (2014).  Multiobjective combinatorial auctions in transportation procurement, Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2014. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/951783 (Q2, IF:1.3)

119.                Rastegar-Panah MM., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Babaei E., Noughani F., (2013). Use and usefulness of social network analysis in the primary health context, International Journal of Hospital Research 2 (4), 177-186.

120.                Behzadian M., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Ignatius J., Goh M., Sepehri MM., (2013). PROMETHEE group decision support system and the house of quality, Group Decision and Negotiation, 22, 189-205. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10726-011-9257-3 (Q1, IF:2.64)

121.                Riahi N., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Teimourpour B., (2013). Three-phase Hybrid Times Series Modeling Framework for Improved Hospital Inventory Demand Forecast, International Journal of Hospital Research 2 (3), 130-138.

122.                Ignatius J., Lai YJ., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Sepehri MM., Mustafa A., (2011). Combinatorial auction under fuzzy environment, Expert Systems with Applications 38 (9), 11482-11488. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2011.06.001 (Q1, IF:6.95)

123.                Ignatius J., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Sepehri MM., Behzadian M., Mustafa A., (2010). Hybrid models in decision making under uncertainty: The case of training provider evaluation, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 21 (1, 2), 147-162. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3233/IFS-2010-0443 (Q1, IF:1.85)

124.                Sepehri MM., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., (2008). Optimal Routing in an Automated Warehouse with 2-nested GTSP, Journal of Transportation Research 5 (2) 127-138.

125.                Sepehri MM., Albadvi A., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., (2008). Optimizing Trade in Electronic Transportation Marketplaces by Using Combinatorial Double Auction Approach, Journal of Transportation Research, 4 (4) 267-281.


مقالات منتشر شده در کنفرانس های بین المللی داخلی و خارجی

• Modelling picking in AS/RS based on demands order, The 2nd National Conference on Logistics & Supply Chain, Tehran - 19-20 Nov. 2006, (with M.M. Sepehri) [In Persian] .

•     تعیین تعداد بهینه تخت بیمارستانی با استفاده از روش شبیه‌سازی و نسبت، ششمین کنفرانس بین‌المللی مهندسی صنایع 1387، (با همکاری مرتضی خاکزار، مهرنوش شاه حسینی، نگار قنبری)

•     ارائه یک مدل مسیریابی– موجودی قطعی چند محصوله برای توزیع اقلام دارویی، یازدهمین کنفرانس بین‌المللی مهندسی صنایع 1393، (با همکاری علیرضا جلالی، محمدرضا غلامیان، محمدرضا نعمت‌الهی)

•    طراحی شبکه زمانبندی منعطف کشتیهای کانتینری در شرایط بروز اختلال با درنظرگرفتن دو استراتژی بهبود (مطالعه موردی کشتیرانی جمهوری اسلامی ایران)، ششمین کنفرانس ملی و چهارمین کنفرانس بین‌المللی لجستیک و زنجیره تامین 1393، (با همکاری سوگل صارمی)

•    مسئله مسیریابی– موجودی سبز برای سیستم توزیع اقلام دارویی در حالت چند محصولی، یازدهمین کنفرانس بین‌المللی مهندسی صنایع 1393، (با همکاری علیرضا جلالی، محمدرضا غلامیان، محمدرضا نعمت‌الهی)

•    شناسایی عوامل موثر بر رویگردانی مشتریان در صنعت بیمه، بیست و یکمین همایش ملی و هفتمین همایش بین‌المللی بیمه و توسعه 1393 (با همکاری نوشین حسین خانی و مرتضی خاکزار)

•   مسئله مسیریابی – موجودی برای سیستم توزیع اقلام دارویی در حالت چندمحصولی با در نظر گرفتن زمان اضافه‌کاری، نخستین همایش ملی ساخت، تولید و توزیع 1394 (زهرا مقدم، محمدرضا غلامیان، علیرضا جلالی)

•   طراحی شبکه جمع‌آوری خون تحت شرایط عدم قطعیت تقاضا: رویکرد بهینه‌سازی استوار، کنفرانس تخصصی بهبود فرآیند زنجیره انتقال خون 1395 (سارا چراغی)

•   ارائه یک مدل ریاضی یکپارچه برای جمع‌آوری، تولید و توزیع در زنجیره تامین خون با در نظر گرفتن عدم قطعیت عرضه و تقاضا، کنفرانس تخصصی بهبود فرآیند زنجیره انتقال خون 1395 (محمد رضا قطره سامانی) 

•    ایجاد ارتباط و طبقه‌بندی چالشهای فرآیندی با راهکارهای بهبود فرآیند طبق مدلSIPOC  در پروژه‌های  BPR، دومین کنفرانس ملی مدیریت مهندسی 1396 (عبدالرحمن حائری، حامد الماسی)

کتب منتشر شده

“Fuzzy Prices in Combinatorial Auction” (with J. Ignatius, M.M. Sepehri and Y.J. Lai), in C.P. Lim and L.H. Jain, Emerging Technologies in Decision Support Systems, (2010), (chapter 14: pp. 347–367), Springer-Verlag, Germany.


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