One- day Seminar on Technology and Production of Advanced Materials

  One- day Seminar on Technology and Production of Advanced Materials

Following the previous Memorandum of Understanding signed among Iran University of Science and Technology, National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine (NMAU) and Technical Cooperation Office, Iran (TCO) in February 2007, in order to initiate one of the Cooperation grounds of the MoU, a one-day joint seminar was held at IUST on May 22, 2007 with the presentation of 4 lecturers and experts from NMAU.

The topics of seminar in addition to presenting the ways of cooperation with research and scientific centers of Ukraine, were included: modern methods for producing steel, advanced metal alloys, engineering ceramics, and ceramic and metal composites.

A session was held also with the presence of academic staff of the College of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering of IUST on May 23, to discuss the cooperation ways that was led to signing a MoU.

The main topics of this MoU are: holding the short courses on specified topics, joint supervision of Ph.D. students, and etc.

The Ukrainian delegation visited some of the industrial centers in Isfahan on May 26 and signed a MoU with Isfahan University of Technology.

Office of International and Scientific Cooperation

 May 2007