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:: Dr. Mirzamohammadi ::


" Dr  Saeed Mirzamohammadi"

Asistant Professor

Ph.D.  University of Liverpool, 1999

Department Industrial Engineering Department

Email : mirzamohammadi AT iust.ac.ir

Tel: +98-21-73225062

Education and qualifications

i) University Degrees

- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Economics, University of Liverpool, 1995-1999

- Master of Science (MSC) in Economics, University of Liverpool, 1994-1995

- Master of Art (MA) in Economic Development and Planning, Tehran University, 1988-1991

- Bachelor of Art (BA) in Economics, Shahid Beheshti University, 1984-1988

ii) Sellected Short Course Certificates

- “Regional Workshop on the UNDP Evaluation Policy 2006”, held by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Bangkok (Thailand), October 2006

- “Training Workshop on Strategic Planning”, held by Management and Planning Organization and Armanandish Advising Co., Tehran, March 2006

- “Key Issues on the International Economic Agenda”, held by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Geneva (Switzerland) and Turin (Italy), July-August 2002

- “Teaching Large Classes”, held by the University of Liverpool, Liverpool, September 1999

- “MS Office, the Internet and World Wide Web Applications: Advanced”, held by the University of Liverpool, Liverpool, September 1999

- “General Training Course for Planning Experts” held by Education and Human Resource Development Bureau, Management and Planning Organization, Tehran, 1991


 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Since February 2008

- Head, Office of Scientific and International Cooperation, Iran University of Science and Technology, Since May 2008

- Head, Economic Studies Division, African Studies Center, Tarbiat Modarres University, Since January 2007

- Deputy Director General, Economic Studies and International Co-operation Bureau, Management and Planning Organization, 2000- February 2008

- Lecturer and Tutor, Department of Economics and Accounting, The University of Liverpool, 1999-2000

- Senior Planning Expert, Industries and Mines Bureau, Management and Planning Organization, 1990-1994

- Economic expert (part-time), Deputy for Economic Affairs, Ministry of Economy and Finance, 1989

- Auditor (part-time), The National Industries Organization of Iran, 1985-1987

Teaching Experiences

- International Commerce (Executive MBA), Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology

- Microeconomics (postgraduate and undergraduate courses in Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology; Department of Business Administration, Tehran University Kish International Campus; Faculty of Management, Tehran University; Department of Economics and Accounting, The University of Liverpool)

- Macroeconomics (postgraduate and undergraduate courses in Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology; Department of Business Administration, Tehran University Kish International Campus; Department of Economic Development and Planning, School of Postgraduate studies, Islamic Free University; Faculty of Management, Tehran University; Department of Economics and Accounting, The University of Liverpool)

- Statistics for Business and Economics, ECO College of Insurance, Allameh Tabatabaee University

- Human Capital, Economic Growth and Productivity (international training course for experts and officials of member countries of Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization - ISESCO), held by the regional ISESCO Office in Tehran

- Human Development Indices (vocational training course for Management and Planning Organization)

- Money and Banking (tutorials in Department of Economics and Accounting, The University of Liverpool)

- Information Technology, (tutorials in Department of Economics and Accounting, The University of Liverpool)

- Economic Development, Faculty of Management, Tehran University 

Selected Written Works

- “Inflation Targetting: Theoretical Framework and Lessons from Brazilian Best Practice”, Economic Research and Policy Quarterly, Forthcoming

- National Human Development Report of the I. R. Iran (lead author and national team leader), United Nations and Management and Planning Organization, Forthcoming

- The Second National Millennium Development Goals Report 2007 (Member of Advisory Board), United Nations and Management and Planning Organization, Forthcoming

- “Education for Human Development: A Prerequisite for Operationalization of the 20-Year Vision”, in the Proceedings of Conference on 20-Year Vision of I.R.Iran, Isfahan, 2005

- “Economic Integration Outlook for a Group of Asian Countries: The Role of Total Factor Productivity”, in the Proceedings of Conference on Iran Economy and the World Economy: Challenges and Opportunities, Shiraz, 2005

- “Human Development: Concept and Performance in Iran”, Background paper for preparation of the Second National Human Development Report of Iran, 2005

- “Combatting Poverty and Inequality in Iran”, Background paper for preparation of the Second National Human Development Report of Iran, 2005

- “United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF)”, Economic Changes and International Co-operation (A journal of Management and Planning Organization), No 2, 2005

- “Inflation Targetting: Case Study of Brazil”, Economic Changes and International Co-operation (A journal of Management and Planning Organization), No 1, 2005

- The First National Millennium Development Goals Report 2004: Achievements and Challenges (Member of Advisory Board), United Nations and Management and Planning Organization (in Persian and English), 2004

- “The Role of Education in Human Development: A Comparative Study”, in the Proceedings of First Forum of Economists and State Authorities on the Economics of Education, 2004

- “Macroeconomic Policies and New Economy in Iran: Current Performance”, with M.A Moradi (Co-author), Ministry of Commerce, 2004

- “Testing for Convergence across the Asian Economies”, in The Asymmetry Global Economy: Growth, Investment and Public Policy, edited by C. Paraskevopoulos et. al., Toronto, APF Press, 2001

- “The effects of government expenditures on the growth of Iranian economic sectors”, with Hamid Abrishami (co-author), Iranian Economic Review (a journal of the University of Tehran), Vol. 1, Fall-Winter 1996

Conference Attendance

- ISESCO Economics of Education Conference (held by regional ISESCO Office in Tehran, (as a paper presenter and panel discussant), Tehran, Iran, 2007

- World Bank Training Workshop on Integrated Value Chain Analysis, (as a session moderator and panel discussant), Tehran, Iran, 2007

- Regional Workshop on the UNDP Evaluation Policy: Asia and thePacific, (as government representative), Bangkok, Thailand, 2006

- World Bank Training Workshop on Performance Based Budgeting: Best Practices, (as a session moderator and panel discussant), Tehran, Iran, 2006

- World Bank Training Workshop on Poverty Alleviation Strategies and Policies, (as a discussant), Tehran, Iran, 2006

- Asia and Pacific Productivity Conference, (as a paper presenter), Seoul, Korea, 2006

- Conference on Iran Economy and the World Economy: Challenges and Opportunities, (as a paper presenter and the Scientific Deputy Secretariat), Shiraz, Iran, 2005

- Conference on 20-Year Vision of I.R.Iran, (as a paper presenter and panel discussant), Isfahan, Iran, 2005

- Conference on Economic Policies in the New Millennium, (as a paper presenter), Coimbra University, Portugal, 2004 

- First Forum of Economists and State Authorities on the Economics of Education, (as a paper presenter and panel discussant), Tehran, Iran, 2004

- Sixth Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, (as a paper presenter), Scheveningen, The Hague, Netherlands, 2003

 - Conference on Globalization and Entrepreneurship: Fears, Challenges and Opportunitie, (as a paper presenter), Pula University, Croatia, 2003

- Annual Conference of the Iranian Students in the European Universities, (presenting a paper entitled “Human Capital and Economic Growth”), London, UK, 1998 

- International Conference on Economic Integration and Transformation: Structural Change, Equity and Efficiency, (presenting a paper entitled “Testing for Convergence Across the Asian Economies”), York University (Toronto), Canada, 1998 

- Annual Conference of the Iranian Students in the European Universities, (presenting a paper entitled “Economic Convergence Theories”), The University of Glasgow, UK, 1997

- Annual Conference of the Iranian Students in the European Universities, (as a discussant), The University of Birmingham, UK, 1996

- Second Seminar on Planning and Development, Tehran University, (presenting a paper entitled The Effects of Government Expenditures on the Growth of the Iranian Economic Sectors), Tehran, Iran, 1993

Published Books


Research Projects

- National team leader and lead author, “Preparation of country report for inclusion in the 2009 UN Global Assessment Report (GAR)”, co-sponsored and implemented by UN-ISDR and UNDP, ongoing

- National team leader and lead author, “Preparation of the Second National Human Development Report of Iran”, sponsored and implemented by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and Management and Planning Organization, ongoing

- Co-researcher, “Feasibility Study on the Proposed Asian and Pacific Center for ICST Enabled Disaster Management (APIDM)”, sponsored and implemented by Deputy for Technical Affairs, Management and Planning Organization, 2006-2007

- Leading researcher, “Empirical and Theoretical Aspects of Inflation Targeting: Brazil and Turkey Case Studies”, sponsored and implemented by Management and Planning Organization, 2005-2006

- Leading researcher, “Best Practices of Economic Development in America and Europe”, sponsored and implemented by Management and Planning Organization, 2005-2006

- Co-researcher, “E-Commerce Feasibility Study in Iran”, sponsored and implemented by the Ministry Commerce, 2004

- Co-researcher, “Estimation of Demand for Strategic Manufactured Commodities”, (a background paper for preparation of the 2nd Five-Year Development Plan), Plan and Budget Organization, 1993

- Co-researcher, “The Performance of Industrial Sector During the 1st Five-Year Development Plan” (an Executive Report To the President), Plan and Budget Organization, 1993

- Co-researcher, “Analysis of Economic Challenges in Agricultural sector of Iran”, sponsored and implemented by the Ministry of Economy and Finance, 1989-1990

Awards And Scholarships

- “Letter of Appreciation”, issued by the United Nations Resident Representative and Head of UNDP Office in Iran for playing a leading role in preparation of the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) as the government co-chair, 2004

- “Certificate of Appreciation”, awarded by the Vice-President of Iran for recognition among the best employees of Management and Planning Organization in year 2001

- “Scholarship awarded by Management and Planning Organization” (through a nationwide General Board Examination held by the Ministry of Culture and Higher Education), covering all the expenses and fees of PhD course at the University of Liverpool, 1995-1999

- “Scholarship awarded by Management and Planning Organization”, covering all the expenses and fees of MA course at Tehran University, 1988-1991

Assignments and Consultationsns

- Member of Advisory Board in the preparation of “The SecondNational Millennium Development Goals Report 2007: Achievements and Challenges”

- Member of Research Council, Economic Affairs and Plan and Budget Coordination Deputy, Management and Planning Organization, 2004-2008

- Government Co-chair of the Management Group  for the Preparation and Monitoring of “The First United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) document of I.R.Iran”

- Member of Advisory Board in the preparation of “The First National Millennium Development Goals Report 2004: Achievements and Challenges”

- Member of postgraduate student group sellected for university quality assurance assessment, Liverpool University, 1998

Attendance in International Official Meetings

Pacific (UNESCAP), Almaty, Kazakhstan, May 2007

- Head of the Iranian Delegation, attending the meeting of Advisory Committee of Permanent Representatives (ACPR) to United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific (UNESCAP), for presenting the report of the feasibility study of the I.R.Iran proposal for establishment of Asian and Pacific ICST enabled Center for Disaster Management, Bangkok (Thailand), February 2007

- Head of the Iranian Delegation, Third Session of the Committee for Managing Globalization, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific (UNESCAP), Bangkok (Thailand), September 2006

- Head of the Iranian Delegation, Fifth Session of the Regional Consultative Committee (RCC), Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC), Hanoi (Vietnam), May 2005

- Member of the Iranian Delegation, Tenth Regional Working Group Meeting on Meteorological Satellite Applications and Natural Hazards Monitoring, Isfahan (I.R.Iran), September 2005

- Iranian Co-Chair of Scientific and Technological Cooperation Committee , Twelfth Session of the Joint Commission on Economic, Trade, Scientific and Technological Cooperation Between Iran and China, Beijing (China), April 2004

- Member of the Iranian Delegation, Fourteenth Session of Regional Planning Council (RPC) of Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO), Istanbul (Turkey), December 2003

- Member of the Iranian Delegation and the Secretariat, Eleventh Session of the Joint Commission on Economic, Trade, Scientific and Technological Cooperation Between Iran and China, Tehran (Iran), March 2002

- Head of the Iranian Delegation, Fourth Session of the Committee for Socio-Economic Measures for Poverty Alleviation, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific (UNESCAP), Bangkok (Thailand), December 2001

- Head of the Iranian Delegation, Ad Hoc Expert Group Meeting on Regulatory Issues in the Transport Sector, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and Pacific (UNESCAP), Bangkok (Thailand), December 2001

- Head or Member of the Iranian Delegation, various sessions of Regional Planning Council (RPC) and National Focal Points for Economic Research and Statistics, Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO), held in ECO Secretariat, Tehran (Iran), Since 2001

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