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" Dr Farnaz Barzinpour"

Associate Professor

School of Industrial Engineering

Iran University of Science and Technology

Email : barzinpour AT iust.ac.ir

ORCID: 0000-0001-9692-4432

Google ScholarScopus - Researchgate

Tel:   +98-21-73225063

Fax: +98-21-73021214

Education and qualifications

Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran, Jun 2004.

M.Sc. in Industrial Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran, September 1998.

B.Sc. in Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran,

    September 1996.

Awards And Scholarships

     The best teacher award from Iran University of Science and Technology, 2023.

     The best paper award of the Second International Conference on Optimization of Productiion and Service Systems (COPSS 2022), November 2022

     The best paper award of the First National Bottle Deposit Conference, July 2022.

     The best female researcher from Iran University of Science and Technology, 2012.

     The best M.Sc. student award in Tarbiat Modarres University, 1998.

     The talent B.Sc. student award in Iran from the Ministry of  Science, Research and Technology, 1995.

     The best B.Sc. student award in School of Industrial Eingineering from Iran University of Science and Technology, 1996.


   •  Vice chancellor of Research and Technology in School of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Since May 2022.

   •  Head of graduated Industrial Engineering group, School of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, September 2015- Jun 2022.

   •  Head of talent office, Iran University of Science and Technology, December 2016 – January 2019.

   •  Chancellor's women consultant, Iran University of Science and Technology, October 2006 – February 2014.

Research Interests

  Optimization and Meta-heuristic Algorithms

 •  Supply Chain Management

          • Sustainable Supply Chain Network Design

          • Relief Chain Design

          • Waste System Design

          •  Food and Agricultural System Design

Optimization and Meta-heuristic Algorithms

  Artificial Intelligence in Health System

Teaching Experiences

 v    Postgraduate
    • Metaheuristic Algorithms
    • Combiatorial Optimization
    • Integer Programming
    • Research Methods 
   • Principle of Logistic Engineering and Supply Chain

 v  Undergraduate
    • Operations Research (1)
    • Operations Research (2)
    •  Principle of Academic Writing

Selected Written Works

1.  Sahebi, H., Barzinpour, F., Gilani, H. (2024). Bibliometric analysis of sustainable supply chain management in the oil and gas industry: A review and research agenda, The Extractive Industries and Society, 18, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.exis.2024.101483  (ISI indexed).


2. Sabripoor, A., Ghousi, R., Najafi, M., Barzinpour, F., Makui, A. (2024). Risk assessment of organ transplant operation: A fuzzy hybrid MCDM approach based on fuzzy FMEA, PloS one, 19 (5), e0299655 https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0299655  (ISI indexed).

3. Rakhshaninejad, M., Fathian, M., Shirkoohi, R., Barzinpour, F., Gandomi, A.H. (2024) Refining breast cancer biomarker discovery and drug targeting through an advanced data-driven approach, BMC bioinformatics,  25 (1), 33 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12859-024-05657-1 (ISI indexed).


4. Abad, A.R.K.K., Barzinpour, F., Pishvaee, M.S. (2023). Green and reliable medical device supply chain network design under deep dynamic uncertainty: A novel approach in the context of COVID-19 outbreak, Applied Soft Computing, 149, 110964 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asoc.2023.110964 (ISI indexed).


5. Abad, A.R.K.K., Barzinpour, F., Pasandideh, S.H.R. (2023). A novel separate chance-constrained programming model to design a sustainable medical ventilator supply chain network during the Covid-19 pandemic, Journal of Industrial & Management Optimization, 9 (2), 1395-1425, http://doi.org/10.3934/jimo.2021234 (ISI indexed).


6. Abad, A.R.K.K., Barzinpour, F., Pishvaee, M.S. (2023). Toward circular economy for pomegranate fruit supply chain under dynamic uncertainty: A case study, Computers & Chemical Engineering, 178, 108362 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compchemeng.2023.108362 (ISI indexed).


7. Saffarinia, A., Barzinpour, F., Makui, A. (2023). A scenario-based multi objective model for backup facilities location-allocation considering supportive strategies in flood disaster (a case study: Qom city), Sharif Journal of Industrial Engineering & Management, 39(1), 49-61 http://sjie.journals.sharif.edu/article_22912.html (In Persian) (ISC indexed).

 8. Amirsahami, A., Barzinpour, F., Pishvaee, M.S. (2023). A hierarchical model for strategic and operational planning in blood transportation with drones, PloS one, 18 (9), e0291352 https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0291352 (ISI indexed).


9. Tajik Jangali, M., Makui, A., Barzinpour, F., Babazadeh, M,, Dehghani, E. (2023).  A Bi-Objective Mathematical Model to Design a Fiber Optic Network Under Uncertainty Environment: A Case Study in Iran, Journal of Decision Making: Theory and Practice,1(1), 115-136 https://doi.org/10.22034/jdmtp.2023.17898.1005 (ISC indexed).


10. Mohammadi, Z., Barzinpour, F., Teimoury, E. (2023). A location-inventory model for the sustainable supply chain of perishable products based on pricing and replenishment decisions: A case study, PloS one, 18 (7), e0288915 https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0288915 (ISI indexed).


11.Seyyed Jifroudi, S.A., Teimoury, E., Barzinpour, F. (2023). A sustainable rice supply chain planning from the farm to the table: a case study, Scientia Iranica, https://scientiairanica.sharif.edu/article_23268.html (ISI indexed).


12. Saadatlu, E. A., Barzinpour, F., Yaghoubi, S. (2023). A sustainable municipal solid waste system under leachate treatment impact along with leakage control and source separation, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 169, 982-998 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psep.2022.11.065 (ISI indexed).


13. Saadatlu, E. A., Barzinpour, F., Yaghoubi, S. (2022). A sustainable model for municipal solid waste system considering global warming potential impact: A case study, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 169, 108127  (ISI indexed).


14. Hashemi, T., Teimoury, E., Barzinpour, F. (2022). Short lifetime product supply chain coordination and social benefit considering cannibalization effect and market segmentation, RAIRO - Operations Research, 56(3), 1781 – 1805 https://doi.org/10.1051/ro/2022077 (ISI indexed).


15. Aghababaei, B.Pishvaee, M.S., Barzinpour, F. (2022). A fuzzy bi-level programming approach to scarce drugs supply and ration planning problem under risk, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 434, 48-72 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fss.2021.02.021 (ISI indexed).


16. Kaveh, A.Kamalinejad, M.Arzani, H.Barzinpour, F. (2021). New enhanced colliding body optimization algorithm based on a novel strategy for exploration, Journal of Building Engineering, 43, 102553 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jobe.2021.102553 (ISI indexed).


17. Kaveh, A., Hosseini, S.M., Barzinpour, F. (2021). Damage Identification And Quantification Of Structures By Vibration-Based Model Updating Method Using Teaching-Learning-Based Optimization, Sharif Journal of Civil Engineering, 37(1-1), 71-84 http://sjce.journals.sharif.edu/article_21960.html  (In Persian) (ISC indexed).

18. Aliahmadi, S.Z.Barzinpour, F.Pishvaee, M.S. (2021). A novel bi-objective credibility-based fuzzy model for municipal waste collection with hard time windows, Journal of Cleaner Production, 296, 126364 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.126364 (ISI indexed). 

19. K‌h‌a‌m‌n‌e B‌a‌g‌h‌e‌r‌i, M.,  Barzinpour, F.  (2021). A bi-objective mathematical model for nurse scheduling problem considering nurse's preferences based on D‌E‌A approach, Sharif Journal of Industrial Engineering & Management, 36(2-2), 15-25 http://sjie.journals.sharif.edu/article_22144.html?lang=en (In Persian) (ISC indexed). 

20. Papi, A,  Barzinpour, F., Pishvaee, M.S. (2020). A hybrid solution approach based on benders decomposition and meta-Heuristics to solve supply chain network design problem, Journal of Operational Research In Its Applications, 17 (4), 63-88 https://jamlu.liau.ac.ir/article-1-1880-en.html  (In Persian) (ISC indexed). 

21. Farrokhi-Asl, H., Makui, A., Jabbarzadeh, A., Barzinpour, F. (2020). Solving a multi-objective sustainable waste collection problem considering a new collection network, Operational Research, 20(4), 1977-2015 http://doi.org/10.1007/s12351-018-0415-0  (ISI indexed). 

22. Hashemi, T., Teimoury, E., Barzinpour, F. (2020). Coordination of pricing and inventory decisions in a fresh-product supply chain considering the competition between new and old products, International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Production Research, 31(3), 469-485 http://ijiepr.iust.ac.ir/browse.php?a_code=A-10-45-6&slc_lang=en&sid=1 (In Persian) (ISC indexed).

23. Mofid-Nakhaee, E., Barzinpour, F., Pishvaee, M.S. (2020). A sustainable municipal solid waste system design considering public awareness and education: A case study, Waste Management & Research, 38 (6), 626-638 https://doi.org/10.1177/0734242X20910206  (ISI indexed). 

24. Kaveh, A., Biabani Hamedani, K.,  Barzinpour, F. (2020). Optimal size and geometry design of truss structures utilizing seven meta-heuristic algorithms: a comparative study, Intenational Journal of Civil Engineering, 10(2), 231-260  http://ijoce.iust.ac.ir/browse.php?a_id=432&sid=1&slc_lang=en  (ISC indexed). 

25. Vafaei, A., Yaghoubi, S., Tajik, J, Barzinpour, F. (2020). Designing a sustainable multi-channel supply chain distribution network: A case study, Journal of Cleaner Production, 251, 119628, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.119628  (ISI indexed). 

26. Babaveisi, V., Barzinpour, F., Teimoury, E. (2020). An augmented sweep clustering method for inventory-routing problem with simultaneous pickup and delivery considering lateral transshipment between repair centers, International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Production Research, 31(1), 87-100 http://ijiepr.iust.ac.ir/article-1-1006-en.html (ISC indexed). 

27. Aliahmadi, S.Z., Barzinpour, F., Pishvaee, M.S. (2020). A fuzzy optimization approach to the capacitated node-routing problem for municipal solid waste collection with multiple tours: A case study, Waste Management & Research, 38 (3), 279-290 https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0734242X19879754 (ISI indexed).


28. Rahimikelarijani, B., Saidi-Mehrabad, M., Barzinpour, F. (2020). A mathematical model for multiple-load AGVs in Tandem layout, Journal of Optimization in Industrial Engineering, 13(1), 67-80  (Scopus indexed).  

29.  Mohammadi, Z., Barzinpour, F., Teimoury, E. (2020). Designing sustainable supply chain network by considering direct and indirect shipment: Evidence from food industry, Decision Science Letters, 9 (3), 323-336 http://doi.org/10.5267/j.dsl.2020.5.003  (Scopus indexed).


30. Jifroudi, S.A.S., Teimoury, E., Barzinpour, F. (2020). Designing and planning a rice supply chain: A case study for Iran farmlands, Decision Science Letters, 9(2), 163-180 (Scopus indexed). 

31. Zahiri, F., Nabi Bid Hendi, G., Barzinpour, F. (2020). Optimizing Energy Costs and Water Whithdrawal in a Prototype Water Supply System, Energy Policy and Planning Research, 6(3), 85-123 https://epprjournal.ir/article-1-812-en.html  (In Persian) (ISC indexed). 

32. Peykani, P., Mohammadi, E., Barzinpour, F., Jandaghian, A. (2020). Portfolio selection under trading constraints and data uncertainty using robust optimization approach and NSGA-II algorithm, Journal of Modiriat-e- Farda,, 19, 195-206 http://www.modiriyatfarda.ir/Article/25985  (In Persian) (ISC indexed). 

33. Makui, A., Ashouri, F., Barzinpour, F. (2019). Assignment of injuries and medical supplies in urban crisis management, Journal of Applied Research on Industrial Engineering, 6(3), 232-250 http://www.journal-aprie.com/article_95862.html .


34. Aghababaei, B., Pishvaee, M.S., Barzinpour, F. (2019). A two-stage fuzzy optimization model for scarce drugs supply and ration planning under uncertainty: A case study, Applied Soft Computing Journal, 81, 105514 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asoc.2019.105514 (ISI indexed).


35. Barzinpour, F. , Mohammadpour Omran, M., Hoseini, S.F., Fahimi, K., Samaei, F. (2019). A New Optimization via Invasive Weeds Algorithm for Dynamic Facility Layout Problem, Journal of Quality Engineering and Production Optimization, 1(1), 11-20 (ISC index).


36. Habibi, F.Barzinpour, F.Sadjadi, S.J. (2019). A mathematical model for project scheduling and material ordering problem with sustainability considerations: A case study in Iran, Computers and Industrial Engineering, 128, 690-710 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cie.2019.01.007 (ISI indexed).


37. Mahmoodian, V.Jabbarzadeh, A.Rezazadeh, H.Barzinpour, F. (2019) . A novel intelligent particle swarm optimization algorithm for solving cell formation problem, Neural Computing and Applications, 31, 801-815 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00521-017-3020-x  (ISI indexed).


38. Mofid-Nakhaee, E.Barzinpour, F. (2019). A multi-compartment capacitated arc routing problem with intermediate facilities for solid waste collection using hybrid adaptive large neighborhood search and whale algorithm, Waste Management and Research, 37(1), 38-47 https://doi.org/10.1177/0734242X18801186 (ISI indexed). 

39. Ghafoori, N., Barzinpour, F., Sahebi, H. (2019). Analyzing the key success factors for implementing a sustainable supply chain with an interpretive structural modeling approach (A case study in the automobile industry), Journal of Modiriat-e- Farda,, 17, 171-188 http://www.modiriyatfarda.ir/Article/25444   (In Persian) (ISC indexed). 

40. Maleki Rastaghi, M., Barzinpour, F.Pishvaee, M.S. (2018). A fuzzy optimization approach to hierarchical healthcare facilities network design considering human resource constraint: A case study, Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 11(4), 74-95 http://www.jise.ir/article_73384.html (ISC indexed).


41. Barzinpour, F., Taki, P. (2018). A dual-channel network design model in a green supply chain considering pricing and transportation mode choice", Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 29(7), 1465-1483 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10845-015-1190-x (ISI indexed).


42. Hamid, M., Barzinpour, F., Hamid, M., Mirzamohammadi, S. (2018). A multi-objective mathematical model for nurse scheduling problem with hybrid DEA and augmented ε-constraint method:A case study,  Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 11(Special Issue), 98-108 http://www.jise.ir/article_69388.html (ISC indexed).


43. Tavakoli, Z.S.., Barzinpour, F., Bozorgi-Amiri, A. (2018). A bi-objective location-allocation model and capacity planning in healthcare facility network design,  Sharif Journal of Industrial Engineering & Management, 34.1(1.1), 63-72 http://sjie.journals.sharif.edu/article_5548.html  (In Persian) (ISC indexed).


44. Mohammadi, S.E.,  Mohammadi, E.,  Barzinpour, F.  (2018). Portfolio optimization in Tehran Stock Exchange by using data envelopment analysis and symbiotic organisms search,  Modern Research in Decision Making, 3(2), 223-248 http://journal.saim.ir/article_32504_en.html?lang=en  (In Persian) (ISC indexed).


45. Maleki Rastaghi, M.Barzinpour, F.Pishvaee, M.S. (2018) . A multi-objective hierarchical location-allocation model for the healthcare network design considering a referral system, International Journal of Engineering, Transactions B: Applications, 31(2), 365-373  http://www.ije.ir/article_73129.htm (ISC indexed).


46. Ghomi, H., Barzinpour, F. (2018). Identifying the success factors of knowledge management tools in research projects (case study: A corporate university), Management Science Letters, 8(8), 805-818 http://www.growingscience.com/msl/Vol8/msl_2018_65.pdf (Scopus indexed).


47. Habibi, F., Barzinpour, F., Sadjadi, S. (2018). Resource-constrained project scheduling problem: review of past and recent developments, Journal of Project Management, 3(2), 55-88 https://doi.org/10.5267/j.jpm.2018.1.005 (Scopus indexed).


48. Habibi, F., Barzinpour, F., Sadjadi, S. (2017). A multi-objective optimization model for project scheduling with time-varying resource requirements and capacities, Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 10 (Special Issue), 92-118 http://www.jise.ir/article_53352.html (ISC indexed).


49. Kargar, B.Pishvaee, M.S., Barzinpour, F. (2017). A Multi-Objective Mathematical Model for Organ Allocation to Patients in Iran Organ Transplantation Network, Journal of Industrial Management Perspective, 7(3), 151-177 https://jimp.sbu.ac.ir/article_87198.html?lang=en  (In Persian) (ISC indexed).


50. Habibi, F., Asadi, E., Sadjadi, S. J., Barzinpour, F. (2017). A multi-objective robust optimization model for site-selection and capacity allocation of municipal solid waste facilities: A case study in Tehran, Journal of Cleaner Production, 166, 816-834 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.08.063 (ISI indexed).


51. Saffarian, M., Barzinpour, F., Kazemi, S.M. (2017).A multi-period multi-objective location-routing model for relief chain management under uncertainty, International Journal of Supply and Operations Management, 4(4), 298-317 https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/6b5a/6a0f9c57ec35c0db52fc7b40e9424b93450a.pdf (Scopus indexed).


52. Mesgari, I., Jabalameli, M. S., Barzinpour, F. (2017).System dynamics modeling for national agricultural system with policy recommendations: Application to Iran, Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 54(2), 457-466  (Scopus indexed).


53. Jafarian-Moghaddam, A.R. Barzinpour, F., Fathian, M. (2017). New clustering technique using artificial immune system and hierarchical technique, Signal and Data Processing, 13(4), 133-145 http://jsdp.rcisp.ac.ir/article-1-88-en.html  (In Persian) (ISC indexed). 

54. Davoudizadeh Jolgeh, L., Barzinpour, F. (2017). A review of sustainabilty in supply chain management, Supply chain Manaegement, 56, 4-19 https://scmj.ihu.ac.ir/article_203622_d51107ba77b0174c304b275cb2c93faa.pdf . (In Persian). 

55.  Kermani, M.A.M.A., Ardestani, S. F. F., Aliahmadi, A., Barzinpour, F. (2017). A novel game theoretic approach for modeling competitive information diffusion in social networks with heterogeneous nodes, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 466, 570-582 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physa.2016.09.038 (ISI indexed).


56. Taki, P., Barzinpour, F., Teimoury, E.  (2016). Risk-pooling strategy, lead time, delivery reliability and inventory control decisions in a stochastic multi-objective supply chain network design, Annals of Operations Research, 244, 619-646 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-016-2115-6 (ISI indexed).


57. Mesgari, I., Barzinpour, F. (2016). A fast variable neighborhood search for P-hub median problem using social network analysis concepts., Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 39(3), 372-380 https://doi.org/10.1080/02533839.2015.1101616 (ISI indexed).


58. Barzinpour, F., Moazeni, H., Pishvaee, M.S. (2016). A data envelopment analysis (DEA) model for supplier selection by considering sustainable criteria: A case study in a stone industry, Journal of Strategic Management Researches, 21, 89-115 https://smr.journals.iau.ir/article_525059.html?lang=en  (In Persian) (ISC indexed).


59. Agha Mohammad Ali Kermani, M., Aliahmadi, A., Salamat, V. R., Barzinpour, F., Hadiyan, E. (2015). Supplier selection in a single-echelon supply chain with horizontal competition using imperialist competitive algorithm, International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 28(6), 628-638 https://doi.org/10.1080/0951192X.2014.900860 (ISI indexed).


60. Saffarian, M., Barzinpour, F., Eghbali, M.A. (2015). A robust programming approach to bi-objective optimization model in the disaster relief logistics response phase, International Journal of Supply and Operations Management, 2(1), 595-616 (ISC indexed).


61. Barzinpour, F., Karimi, S. (2014). Forecasting effects of scenarios of subsides removal on residential electricity consumption by artificial neural networks, Advances in Industrial Engineering, 48, 83-90 https://aie.ut.ac.ir/article_51787_891a8ed812a4a46726e17dd1736e3e0f.pdf  (In Persian) (ISC indexed).


62. Barzinpour, F., Sabaei, A. (2015). A conceptual knowledge management model based on intellectual capital and project management knowledge in project based organizations (A Case study in petrochemical industry), Journal of Modiriat-e- Farda, 42, 67-80 (In Persian) (ISC indexed).


63. Barzinpour, F., Teimoury, E., Taki, P. (2015). Dual-channel supply chain network design considering product quality and capability process, Journal of Quality Engineering and Management, 5(4), 71-83 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10845-015-1190-x (In Persian) (ISC indexed).


64. Jouzdani, J., Barzinpour, F., Shafia, M.A., Fathian, M. (2014). Applying simulated annealing to generalized cell formation problem considering alternative routings and machine reliability, Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 31(4), 1450021-1-26 https://doi.org/10.1142/S0217595914500213 (ISI indexed).


65.  Shishebori, D., Dayarian, I., Jabbarzadeh, A., Barzinpour, F. (2014). A new hybrid approach to discrete multiple facility location problem,, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 71(1), 127-139 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00170-013-5337-7 (ISI indexed).


66.  Barzinpour, F., Esmaeili, V. (2014). A multi-objective relief chain location distribution Model for urban disaster management, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 70(5), 1291-1302 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00170-013-5379-x (ISI indexed).


67.  Barzinpour, F., Saffarian, M., Makui, A., Teimoury, E. (2014). Multi objective location-routing model with multi period concept in relief chain management, Journal of Operational Research and its Applications, 11(3), 71-91, https://jamlu.liau.ac.ir/article-1-925-fa.html   (In Persian) (ISI indexed).


68.  Barzinpour, F., Saffarian, Teimoury, E. (2014). Meta-heuristic algorithm for multi-objective location-allocation model of three-echelon in disaster relief logistics, Journal of Operational Research and its Applications, 11 (2), 27-50, https://jamlu.liau.ac.ir/article-1-822-fa.html   (In Persian) (ISI indexed).


69.  Barzinpour, F., Ali-ahmadi, B.H., Alizade, S. and Jalali Naini, S.G. (2014). Clustering networks' heterogeneous data in defining a comprehensive closeness centrality index, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 1-10, https://doi.org/10.1155/2014/202350 (ISI indexed).


70.  Barzinpour, F., Saffarian, M., Makui, A., Teimoury, E. (2014). Metaheuristic algorithm for solving biobjective possibility planning model of location-allocation in disaster relief logistics., Journal of Applied Mathematics, 239868, https://doi.org/10.1155/2014/239868  (ISI indexed).


71. Esmaeili, V., Barzinpour, F. (2014). Integrated decision making model for urban disaster management: A multi-objective genetic algorithm approach, International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations, 5(1), 55-70 https://doi.org/10.5267/j.ijiec.2013.08.004 (ISI indexed).


72. Barzinpour, F., Jafari, M., Mousavi Biuki, S.H. (2014). An integrated approach for succession planning and knowledge management, International Journal of Social Sciences and Education, 4, 124-137 https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/An-integrated-approach-for-succession-planning-and-Barzinpour-Jafari/d0f1771ca64d19bd4bf615eaa90353308c7f6ab0 (ISC indexed).


73.  Esmaeili, V., Barzinpour, F. , Shahanaghi, K. (2014). A comprehensive approach to urban disaster management based on vulnerability map and risk zoning case study: Tehran municipal district one,  Journal of Modiriat-e- Farda, 36, 5-28 http://modiriyatfarda.ir/en/Article/24483  (In Persian) (ISC indexed).


74. Barzinpour, F., Alizade, S., Jalali Naeini, G.R., Aliahmadi, B..H. (2013). A new algorithm to determine key players in multilayer social networks with considering both structure of relations and individual characteristics", Journal of Modiriat-e- Farda, 11:33, 65-94 http://modiriyatfarda.ir/en/Article/24435  (In Persian) (ISC indexed).


75. Rahmaniani, R., Ghaderi, A., Mahmoudi, N., Barzinpour, F. (2013). Stochastic P-robust uncapacitated multiple allocation P-hub location problem, International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 14:3, 296-314 https://doi.org/10.1504/IJISE.2013.054282 (Scopus indexed).


76. Saboury, A., Ghaffari-Nasab, N., Barzinpour, F., Jabal Ameli, M.S. (2013). Applying two efficient hybrid heuristics for hub location problem with fully interconnected backbone and access networks, Computers & Operations Research, 40(10), 2493-2507 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cor.2013.01.008 (ISI indexed).


77. Barzinpour, F., Noorossana, R., Akhavan Niaki, S.T., Ershadi, M.J. (2013). A hybrid nelder-mead simplex and PSO approach on economic and economic-statistical designs of MEWMA control charts, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 65, 1339-1348 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00170-012-4260-7 (ISI indexed).


78. Barzinpour, F., Ahmadi, B.H.A. (2013). A novel framework in complex network analysis: considering both structure of relations and individual characteristics in closeness centrality computation, International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations, 4, 227-240 https://doi.org/10.5267/j.ijiec.2013.02.001 (ISI indexed).


79.Ghaderi, A., Jabalameli, M.S., Barzinpour, F., Rahmaniani, R. (2012). An efficient hybrid particle swarm optimization algorithm for solving the uncapacitated continuous location-allocation problem, Networks and Spatial Economics, 12, 421-439 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11067-011-9162-y (ISI indexed).


80. Kahfi Ardakani, A., Barzinpour, F., Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, R. (2012).An Extended Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm to Solve Integrated Model for Production Planning and Dynamic Cellular Manufacturing System, Journal of Industrial Engineering,  46(1), 77-89 10.22059/jieng.2012.29622 (In Persian) (ISC indexed).


81. Jabal Ameli, M.S., Barzinpour, F., Saboury, A., Ghaffari-Nasab, N. (2012). A simulated annealing–based heuristic for the single allocation maximal covering hub location problem, International Journal of Metaheuristics, 2(1), 15-37.


82. Ebrahimi, M., Roshanian, J., Barzinpour, F. (2012). Multidisciplinary design optimization approach for a small solid propellant launch vehicle conceptual design using hybrid simulated annealing, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 110:116, 4765-4771 https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Multidisciplinary-design-optimization-of-a-small-Jodei-Ebrahimi/bad6ada9626a86230f49b5f2a875f127ee9791fb (ISI indexed).


83.  Ramezanian, R., Rahmani, D., Barzinpour, F. (2012). An aggregate production planning model for two phase production systems: Solving with genetic algorithm and tabu Search., Expert Systems with Applications, 39, 1256-1263 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2011.07.134 (ISI indexed).


84. Aliahmadi, A., Barzinpour, F., Akhavan, P., Karami, M. (2012). Design a Comprehensive Framework to Assessment Knowledge Management Readiness, Journal of Modiriat-e- Farda, 11(31), 3-21 http://modiriyatfarda.ir/en/Article/24417 (In Persian) (ISC indexed).


85. Masehian, E., Barzinpour, F., Saedi, S. (2011). Mobile Robot Path Planning using a New GA-based Method with Variable Chromosome Length, International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Production Management, 22(2), 99-111 https://ijiepm.iust.ac.ir/article-1-721-fa.html  (In Persian) (ISC indexed).


86. Taleizadeh, A., Barzinpour, F., Wee, H.M. (2011). Meta-heuristic algorithms for solving a fuzzy single-period problem, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 54, 1273-1285 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mcm.2011.03.038 (ISI indexed).


87. Barzinpour, F., Ebrahimi, S.B., Hasheminejad, S.M., Nasr Esfahani, H. (2011). Comparing the Accuracy of the Model Meta heuristic and Econometric in Forcasting of Financial Time Series with Long-term Memory (Case Study, Stock Index of Cement Industry in Iran), Financial Research, 13:31, 1-22 https://jfr.ut.ac.ir/article_23824.html?lang=en  (In Persian) (ISC indexed).


88. Taleizadeh, A., Niaki, S.T.A., Barzinpour, F. (2011). Multiple-buyer Multiple-vendor Multi-product Multi-constraint supply chain problem with stochastic demand and variable lead-time: A harmony search algorithm, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 217, 9234-9253 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.amc.2011.04.001 (ISI indexed).


89. Khakabimamaghani, S., Barzinpour, F., Gholamian, M.R. (2011) . Enhancing ensemble performance through feature selection and hybridization, International Journal of Information Processing and Management, 2(2), 78-87.


90. Sadeghi, A., Kalanaki, A., Noktehdan, A., Safi Samghabadi, A., Barzinpour, F. (2011) Using bees algorithm to solve the resource constrained project scheduling problem in PSPLIB, Communication in Computer and Information Science, 164, 486-494 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-24999-0_67 (Scopus indexed).


91.Namazifard, S., Barzinpour, F., Makui, A. (2011). An integrated framework for outsourcing using balanced score card and ELECTRE III, Management Science Letters, 1, 99-106 .


92.Sadeghi, A., Safi Samghabadi, A., Barzinpour, F. (2011) Solving Multi-Mode Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problems via Bee Colony Algorithm, Journal of Strategic Management in Industrial Systems, 6 (15), 1-20 https://sanad.iau.ir/en/Journal/imj/Article/923193 .


93.Anvari, M., Saidi Mehrabad, M., Barzinpour, F. (2010)  Machine-part cell formation using a hybrid particle swarm optimization, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 47, 745-754 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00170-009-2202-9 (ISI indexed).


94. Ahmadizar, F., Barzinpour, F. (2010). A hybrid algorithm to minimize makespan for the permutation flow shop scheduling problem, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 3(6), 853-861 https://doi.org/10.1080/18756891.2010.9727747  (ISI indexed).


95. Seyedhosseini, S.M., Elahi, B., Barzinpour, F., Moradinezhad, D. (2010). Multi-supplier, product and buyer mixed integer order splitting model in a two-echelon supply chain, Journal of International Management Studies, 10(30), 171-178.


96. Barzinpour, F., Akhavan, P., Zaremoghaddam, Z. (2010). Developing a Framework for Evaluating the Customer Knowledge Management Indicators in Iranian Banks, Journal of Modiriat-e- Farda, 9:24, 115-132 (In Persian) (ISC indexed).


97. Barzinpour, F., Akhavan, P., Shahpourzadeh, S. (2010). A Review on Personal Knowledge Management in Organizations", Journal of Moshaver-e-Modiriat, 24, 10-13 (In Persian).


98. Barzinpour, F., Akhavan, P., Shahpourzadeh, S. (2010). The Techniques for Skills Development in Personal Knowledge Management ", Journal of Moshaver-e-Modiriat, 25, 25-27 (In Persian).


99.Khosravanian, R., Aryanezhad,  M.B., Sadjadi, S.J., Barzinpour, F., Aadnoy, B.S., Naderifar, A. (2009). Planning optimal casing point : Drilling and completion technology, World Oil, 230:6, 39-42 (Scopus Indexed).


100.Jabal Ameli, M.S., Arkat, J., Barzinpour, F. (2008). Modelling the effects of machine breakdowns in the generalized cell formation problem, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 39(7-8), 838-850 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00170-007-1269-4  (ISI indexed).


101. Aliahmadi, A., Barzinpour, F., Karami, M. (2008). Comparison for Knowledge Management Maturity Models, Tadbir, 201, 21-27 (In Persian).


102. Barzinpour, F.,  Zegordi, S.H. (2005). A Simulated Annealing Scheme for Scheduling in Cellular Manufacturing Systems with Setup Time, Amirkabir Journal of Science and Technology, 60:2, 111-124 (In Persian) (ISC indexed).


103. Hoshmand, M., Barzinpour, F. (2002). Application of decision criteria in evaluating the quality of flexible manufacturing systems, "FMS",  Sharif Journal of Industrial Engineering & Management, 17(19), 70-80 https://sjie.journals.sharif.edu/article_4930.html?lang=en  (In Persian) (ISC indexed).


104. Zegordi, S.H., Barzinpour, F. (2000). A Simulated Annealing Scheme for Solving Cell Formation Problem with Fuzzy Demand, Amirkabir Journal of Science and Technology, 11: 44, 539-553 (In Persian) https://www.sid.ir/paper/1061/en (ISC indexed).

Conference Attendance

1. Zangeneh Madar, Z., Barzinpour, F., Rabiezadeh, S. (2024). Feature selection based on genetic algorithm to predict cardiovascular diseases in type 2 diabetes patients using machine learning algorithms, 19th Iranian Internationl Industrial Engineering Conference , Tehran-Iran,  May 15-16.

2. Khajeh Bahabadi, Z., Barzinpour, F., Rabiezadeh, S. (2024). Prediction diabetic nephropathy using machine learning algorithms based on the selaction of effective features, 19th Iranian Internationl Industrial Engineering Conference , Tehran-Iran,  May 15-16. 

3. Ghiasi, M.S., Barzinpour, F. (2023). A Heterogeneous vehicle routing model with maximum tour length constraint for cross-docks system, 9th International Conference on Industrial and Systems Engineering, Mashhad-Iran, September 12-13 (In Persian). 

4. Shakuri, M., Safari, A., Ghousi, R., Barzinpour, F. (2023). Designing a DEA efficiency evaluation model based on distances from efficient and anti-efficient frontiers in bank branches (A case study), 9th International Conference on Industrial and Systems Engineering, Mashhad-Iran, September 12-13 (In Persian). 

5. Amirsahami, A., Barzinpour, F., Pishvaee, M.S., Jabalameli, M. S. (2022). A scenario-based robust bi-objective optimization model for drone station location-allocation problem in healthcare supply chain, Second International Conference on Optimization of Production and Service Systems, Gilan-Iran, November16-17 (In Persian). 

6.  Shakuri, M., Barzinpour, F. (2022). Sustainable supply chain design for perishable food based on production and delivery time, 8th International Conference on Industrial and Systems Engineering, Mashhad-Iran, September 7-8 (In Persian). 

7. Jafari, M., Barzinpour, F., Naghdi Khanachah, S. (2021). Optimizing the flow of knowledge sharing in the supply chain using metaheuristic algorithm, 4th International Conference on Soft Computing, Gilan- Iran, December 29-30. 

8. Safari, A., Ghazanfari, M., Barzinpour, F. (2021).  Predicting waiting time in kidney transplant list using machine learning algorithms, 18th Iranian International Industrial Engineering Conference (IIIEC 2021), Tehran-Iran, November 17-18 (In Persian). 

9. Tajik Jangali, M., Makui, A., Barzinpour, F., Babazadeh, M,, Dehghani, E. (2021).  Fiber Optic network design of Telecommunication Infrastructure Company under uncertainty conditions: Application and adapting NSGA-II and MOPSO, 18th Iranian Internationl Industrial Engineering Conference (IIIEC 2021), Tehran-Iran,  November 17-18. 

10. Kalantari Khalilabad, A.R., Barzinpour, F. (2021). Providing a bi-objective model for multi-product and multi-period closed-loop supply chain network design considering reliability, The 14th International Conference of Iranian Operations Research Society, Mashhad-Iran, October 19-21 (In Persian). 

11.  Khanmohmadi, SH., Barzinpour, F. (2021). Identifying and prioritizing effective criteria in choosing the optimal location of medical centers during a crisis, The Fourth International Conference on New Developments in Management, Economics and Accounting, Tehran-Iran, August 11 (In Persian). 

12.  Maleki Rastaghi, M., Barzinpour, F. (2020). Presenting a robust possibilistic model based on new CVaR for integrated planning of hierarchical health facility network and human resource allocation, The 13th International Conference of Iranian Operations Research Society, Shahrood-Iran, September 6-9 (In Persian). 

13.  Kaveh, A., Dadras Eslamloo, A., M., Barzinpour, F. (2019). Health monitoring of structures using updating method in finite element model and neural network method, 11th National Congress of Civil Engineering, Shiraz-Iran, May 29-30 (In Persian). 

14. Maleki Rastaghi, M., Barzinpour, F. (2019). Healthcare facilities network design problem under budget and human resource constraint, The 12th Annual International IORS Conference, Babolsar-Iran, May 1-2 (In Persian). 

15. Shirzadeh, N., Jafari, M., Barzinpour, F. (2018). Investigating the effect of knowledge management factors on strategic decision-making indicators of senior managers (case study of Bank Melli Iran), National Conference on Modern Researches in Management and Industrial Engineering, Isfahan-Iran, December 20 (In Persian). 

16.  Khameneh Bagheri, M., Barzinpour, F. (2018). Nurse scheduling considering nurse preferences for working shifts (case study: hospital ICU department, 4th International Conference on Industrial and Systems Engineering, Mashhad-Iran, September 11-12 (In Persian). 

17. Abbasi, M., Barzinpour, F. (2018). Designing the laboratories network based on the location of the reference laboratory using the combined genetic algorithm: A case study, 4th International Conference on Industrial and Systems Engineering, Mashhad-Iran, September 11-12 (In Persian). 

18. Maleki Rastaghi, M., Barzinpour, F., Pishvaee, M.S. (2018). Hierarchical health facility network design considering human resource planning, The 14th Iranian International Industrial Engineering Conference, Tehran-Iran, February 7-8 (In Persian). 

19.  Teimoury, E. Barzinpour, F., Hashemi, T. (2018). Location-routing problem in perishable goods distribution system with demand dependent on delivery time", The 14th Iranian International Industrial Engineering Conference, Tehran-Iran, February 7-8 (In Persian). 

20. Barzinpour, F., Alizadeh Elizee, Z. (2018). Maintenance planning of bridge networks using a binary particle swarm, The 14th International Industrial Engineering Conference, Tehran, Iran, February 7-8.

21. Habibi, F., Barzinpour, F., Askari, R. (2017). Presenting a hybrid performance evaluation model based on the balanced scorecard method and Multi-Criteria Decision-Making techniques, International Conference on Coherence of Management and Economics in Development, Tehran-Iran, August 20 (In Persian). 

22. Aliahmadi, S.Z., Barzinpour, F., (2017). Solid waste location and routing mathematical models: A survey, The 13th International Industrial Engineering Conference, Babolsar, Iran, February 22-23. 

23.  Yahyaei, M., Barzinpour, F., Mahdavi Mazdeh, M. (2017). A probabilistic proactive approach for rescue team scheduling in a network in the aftermath of disaster, The 13th International Industrial Engineering Conference, Babolsar, Iran, February 22-23 (In Persian). 

24.  Barzinpour, F., Jabarzadeh, A., Shahin, M. (2016). A bi-objective hub location problem with fuzzy maximal covering considering reliability considering direct shipment, and multiple transportation modes, The 12th Iranian International Industrial Engineering Conference, Tehran-Iran, January 22-23 (In Persian). 

25.  Barzinpour, F., Yaghoubi, S., Mohamadi, A. (2016). Presenting a meta-heuristic algorithm to solve the hospital location and transfer points model in multi-period  during crisis, The 12th Iranian International Industrial Engineering Conference, Tehran-Iran, January 22-23 (In Persian). 

26.  Seyedhosseini, S.M., Barzinpour, F., Ahmadi, A., Mohamadzadeh, H. (2016) Presenting an optimal location-allocation inventory model considering backup allocation and maximum response level: A case study in central warehouse of Golestan Food Company, The 12th Iranian International Industrial Engineering Conference, Tehran-Iran, January 22-23 (In Persian). 

27.Tavakoli, Z.S., Barzinpour, F., Bozorgi-Amiri, A. (2016). A review of location-allocation models of health facilities, The 12th Iranian International Industrial Engineering Conference, Tehran-Iran, January 22-23 (In Persian). 

28. Davoudizadeh Jolgeh, L., Barzinpour, F., Pishvaee, M.S. (2015). Designing a green supply chain network for engine oil: A case study, 1st International Conference on Applied Economics and Business, Tehran-Iran, October 27-28 (In Persian). 

29. Poursoltan, L., Barzinpour, F. (2015). Presenting a revised Imperialist Competitive Algorithm to solve the cellular manufacturing system model considering the operator's expertise, International Conference on Industrial Management and Engineering, Tehran-Iran, March 4 (In Persian). 

30.  Moazeni, H., Barzinpour, F. (2015). A review on supplier selection in supply chain using DEA and Network DEA, International Conference on Industrial Management and Engineering, Tehran-Iran, March 4 (In Persian). 

31.  Davoudizadeh Jolgeh, L., Barzinpour, F. (2015).A review on sustainability in supply chain design, 4th  International and 6th National Conference on Logistics & Supply Chain, Tehran-Iran, January 21-22 (In Persian). 

32. Barzinpour, F., Jabbarzadeh, A., Tayaran, H. (2015). A recommender system for marketing method selection based on neural networks, The 11th International Industrial Engineering Conference, Tehran, Iran, January 7-8. 

33.  Babaei Saeidabadi, B., Ghaffari, H.., Barzinpour, F. (2015). Portfolio optimization with mean-variance approach using Cuckoo meta-heuristic algorithm , The 11th Iranian International Industrial Engineering Conference, Tehran-Iran, January 7-8 (In Persian).

34.  Barzinpour, F., Aliahmadi, B.H., Alizade, S., (2014). Clustering networks' heterogeneous data in defining a comprehensive closeness centrality index (Case study: oil global trade network), 6th International Conference on Management Entrepreneurship and Economic Development, Qom- Iran, September 11.  

35.  Barzinpour, F., Eslami, S.S. (2014). Solving the uncapacitated single allocation Hub location problem using an efficient Simulated Annealing algorithm, The first Natinal Meta-heuristic Algorithms and Application on Science and Engineering Conference, Fereydunkenar -Iran, August 7-8 (In Persian). 

36.  Barzinpour, F., Jafari, M., Mousavi Biuki, S.H. (2014). An implementation road map for succession planning with organizational knowledge transfer approach – A case study in aerospace industry, The 1st International Conference on Economics, Management, Accounting and Social Sciences, Rasht- Iran, June 21 (In Persian). 

37.  Barzinpour, F., Karimi, S. (2014). Forcasting effects of scenarios of subsides removal on residential consumption by artificial neural networks, The 10th International Industrial Engineering Conference, Tehran, Iran, January 27-28 (In Persian).

38.  Behrozian, SH., Makui, A., Barzinpour, F. (2013). Effective factors in creating an important food brand in the Iran and international markets, The 2nd National Conference on Food Science and Technology, Ghoochan – Iran, April 29-30 (In Persian). 

39.  Barzinpour, F., Saffarian, M., Kazemi, M. (2013), Designing a bird algorithm for the transportation routing problem with public and private fleets under fuzzy demand, The 9th International Industrial Engineering Conference, Tehran-Iran, January 21-22 (In Persian). 

40.  Jouzdani, J., Barzinpour, F., Fathian, M. (2012). An Improved Electromagnetism- like algorithm for global optimization, The 42th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering (CIE 42), Cape Town- South Africa, July 16-18. 

41.  Ahadi, H.R., Barzinpour, F., Radaei, P. (2012). Evaluating for customer satisfaction in Raja passenger train company with The proposed indexes, The 11th International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Tehran- Iran, February 21 (In Persian). 

42.  Rahmaniani, R., Saidi-Mehrabad, M., Rahmaniani, M., Barzinpour, F. (2012). Minimizing the transportation cost of delivery companies with uncertain demands and edge length , The 8th International Industrial Engineering Conference, Tehran- Iran, February 15. 

43.  Barzinpour, F., Homaei pour, S. (2012). A new model for location routing problem with considering time windows and inventory control decisions, The 8th International Industrial Engineering Conference, Tehran, Iran, February 15. 

44.  Darabi, N., Barzinpour, F., Makui, A. (2011). Representing a model for integrated forward-reverse logistic network design with considering returns pricing, 2nd International and 4th National Logistics and Supply Chain Conference, Tehran-Iran, November 22-23 (In Persian).

45.  Shafia, M.A., Deghat, A., Barzinpour, F. (2011). Designing a contractor evaluation system in Fars Regional Electric Company, 26th International Power System Conference, Tehran, Iran, October 31 – November 2 (In Persian). 

46.  Kahfi, A., Barzinpour, F. (2011) . A hybrid Genetic Algorithm for integrated dynamic cell formation with production planning based on workload balancing, The 41th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering (CIE 41), California- USA, October 23-25. 

47.  Barzinpour, F., Ghaffari-nasab, N., Saboury, A. (2011) . Bi-objective non-strict single allocation hub location problem: mathematical programming model and a solution heuristic, The 41th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering (CIE 41), California- USA, October 23-25. 

48.  Barzinpour, F., Asadi, A. (2011). A conceptual framework to design knowledge map based on critical success factors, The Second National Executive Management Conference, Tehran- Iran, June 22-23 (In Persian).

49.  Fazlali, A., Barzinpour, F. (2011). An integrated mathematical model for cell formation with considering scheduling and layout, The 4th International Conference of Iranian Operations Research Society, Gilan- Iran, May 18-19 (In Persian). 

50.  Biazar, M., Barzinpour, F., Mahdavi Mazdeh, M. (2011). A Genetic Algorithm to solve hybrid flow shop problem with non-identical machines, The 4th International Conference of Iranian Operations Research Society, Gilan- Iran, May 18-19 (In Persian). 

51.  Biazar, M., Barzinpour, F., Mahdavi Mazdeh, M. (2011). A hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for hybrid flow shop problem with sequence dependent setup time, The 4th International Conference of Iranian Operations Research Society, Gilan- Iran, May 18-19 (In Persian). 

52.  Jabalameli, M.S., Barzinpour, F., Arbab, S., Sharifi, M.R. (2011). An expert system for risk management in the project-based organization, The Second International Strategic Project Management Conference, Tehran- Iran, May 4 (In Persian). 

53.  Namazifard, S., Barzinpour, F. (2011). Identification and ranking of contracor selection indexes in the project-based organization based on balanced score card, The Second International Strategic Project Management Conference, Tehran- Iran, May 4 (In Persian).

54.  Sadeghi, A., Safi Samghabadi, A., Barzinpour, F. (2011). Solve the resource constrained project scheduling problem using Honey Bees meta-heuristic algorithm,The 6th International Project Management Conference, Tehran- Iran, January 16 (In Persian). 

55.  Barzinpour, F., Piroozfar, R. (2011). Analysis and review in construction projects's delays (A case study in combined cycle power plant), The 6th International Project Management Conference, Tehran- Iran, January 16 (In Persian). 

56.  Dokouhaki, P., Barzinpour, F., Fatahi, A.A. (2010). A neural network scheme for process mean monitoring in comparison to variable control charts, The 11th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference (APIEM), Melaka- Malaysia, December 7-10. 

57.  Barzinpour, F., Asadi, A. (2010). A conceptual framework to design knowledge map in the project-based organizations, The 8th International Management Conference, Tehran- Iran, November 11, (In Persian). 

58.  Kahfi Ardakani, A., Barzinpour, F., Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, R. (2010). Solving an integrated model for production planning and dynamic cell formation with Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm, The 7th International Industrial Engineering Conference, Isfahan-Iran, October 6-7 (In Persian). 

59.  Barzinpour, F., Aryanezhad, M.B., Karimi-nasab, M. (2010), A new lot sizing model fcor Controllable processing time and inventory deterioration, The 40th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering (CIE 40), Awaji Island- Japan, July 25-28 (IEEE, Scopus). 

60.  Khakabimamaghani, S., Barzinpour, F., Gholamian, M.R. (2010). A high diversity hybrid ensemble of classifiers, The 2th International Conference on Software Engineering and Data Mining (SEDM 2010), Chengdu- China, June 23- 25, 461-466 (IEEE, Scopus). 

61.  Barzinpour, F., Samei, Z., Gharakhani, M. (2010). A meta-heuristic method to solve the portfolio optimization problem with cardinal constraint, The 3th International Conference of Iranian Operations Research Society, Tehran- Iran, May 5-6 (In Persian). 

62.  Barzinpour, F., Aryanezhad, M.B., Karimi-nasab, M. (2010). A Tabu Search algorithm for lot sizing problem with controllable processing times, The 3th International Conference of Iranian Operations Research Society, Tehran- Iran, May 5-6. 

63.  Momtaz jahromi, N.,  Barzinpour, F. (2009). A new buffer sizing method in the critical chain project management with stochastic activities, The 5th International Project Management Conference, Tehran- Iran, October 26-27 (In Persian). 

64.  Barzinpour, F., Mohammadi, M., Jafari, M. (2009). Designing a new road map to implement the project knowledge management, The 5th International Project Management Conference, Tehran- Iran, October 26-27 (In Persian). 

65.  Barzinpour, F., Izadbakhsh, H.R., Azadeh, A., Saberi, M. (2009). A Genetic Algorithm for total assessment of telecommunication sectors, Third IEEE International Conference on Digital Ecosystems and Technologies (IEEE DEST 2009), Istanbul- Turkey, 31 May- 3 June. 

66.  Mohamadkhani, E., Aryanezhad, M.B., Barzinpour, F. (2009). A comparison of hybrid Genetic Algorithm and hybrid Ant Colony Optimization to solve multi-objective scheduling problem, The 6th International Industrial Engineering Conference, Tehran-Iran, February 19-20 (In Persian).

67.  Barzinpour, F., Ghazanfari, M., Jafari, M., Rohani, S. (2009). A Neural Network approach to solve flow shop scheduling, The 5th International Conference on Information Communication Technology Management, ICTM, Tehran- Iran, February 18-19 (In Persian). 

68.  Barzinpour, F., Sadeghi Sabour, A., Jafari, M. (2008). A desired cultural model as a knowledge management infrastructure in project-based organisations, The 6th International Management Conference, Tehran- Iran, December 21-23 (In Persian). 

69.  Barzinpour, F., Sadeghi Sabour, A., Jafari, M. (2008). Designing a conceptual model for knowledge layers in project-based organisations, The 4th International Project Management Conference, Tehran- Iran, Agust 20-21 (In Persian). 

70.  Bagherpour, M, Barzinpour, F., Noori, S. (2008). An improvement an a scheduling problem using hybrid Neural Network – Tabu Search, The Third  International Conference in Mathematical Sciences, ICM 2008, Al Ain- UAE, March 3-6. 

71.  Barzinpour, F., Hajian, P. (2008). Developing a new model based on the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) to assesment the electronic customer satisfaction in Iran, The 2th International Marketing Management Conference, Tehran-Iran, Janaury 22-23 (In Persian). 

72.  Ahmadizar, F., Barzinpour, F., Arkat, J. (2007). Solving permutation flow shop scheduling using Ant colony Optimization, The IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Singapore- Singapore, December 2-5 (IEEE, Scopus). 

73.  Barzinpour, F. (2007). Cell scheduling problem for minimizing earliness and tardiness costs by a hybrid Tabu-annealing approach, The 37th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, Alexandria- Egypts, October 20-23. 

74.  Barzinpour, F., Hajian, P. (2007). Presenting the indexes to assesment the electronic customer satisfaction in Iran, The Second International E-commerce and World Trade Conference, Tehran-Iran, October 24 (In Persian). 

75.  Barzinpour, F., Nikoofal, M.E., Nikoofal, V. (2007). An Genetic Algorithm for a multi-supplier  system with a finite-time horizon, The 5th International Industrial Engineering Conference, Tehran-Iran, July 11-12 (In Persian). 

76.  Saber, V., Gobadi, SH., Ghodoosi, P., Barzinpour, F. (2007) "Using Multi-attribute Genetic Algorithm for Time-Cost Trade-off Problem with Resource Constraint", The 3th International Project Management Conference, Tehran- Iran, April 30- May 1 (In Persian). 

77.  Barzinpour, F., Shakeri, A., Farzad, E. (2007). A Tabu search method for resource constraint project scheduling problem, The 3th International Project Management Conference, Tehran- Iran, April 30- May 1 (In Persian). 

78.  Barzinpour, F.,  Zegordi, S.H. (2006). A hybrid meta-heuristic approach to minimize makespan for cell scheduling problem, The Third International Conference on Group Technology/ Cellular Manufacturing, GTCM 2006, Groningen- Netherlands, July 3-5. 

79.  Barzinpour, F., Zegordi, S.H. (2005). A Simulated Annealing scheme for scheduling in cellular manufacturing systems with alternative process plans, The 4th International Industrial Engineering Conference, Tehran-Iran, December 11- 12 (In Persian). 

80.  Barzinpour, F., Zegordi, S.H. (2003). A Metaheuristic for scheduling in cellular manufacturing systems with setup times, EURO/INFORMS Joint International Meeting, Istanbul-Turky, July 6-10. 

81.  Barzinpour, F. (2001). Introduction a metaheuristic approach : Simulated Annealing, The 8th Industrial Engineering Student Conference, Alzahra University, Tehran-Iran, February 1 (In Persian).

82.  Barzinpour, F. (1999). The review of cellular manufacturing systems and cell formation Methods, The 6th Industrial Engineering Student Conference, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran-Iran, February 1  (In Persian). 

Research Projects

•Predicting the ventilation need of patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) using the machine learning algorithms, Iran University of Science and Technology, Iran, 2023.
• A model for backup facilities location-allocation in flood relief chain under uncertainty, Iran University of Science and Technology, Iran, 2022.
• A food supply chain network design considering sustainability  (A case study in dairy industry), Iran University of Science and Technology, Iran, 2021.
• Supply chain network design for organ transplant centers under uncertainty, Iran University of Science and Technology, Iran, 2020.
•The sustainable network design in municipal solid waste logistics (A case study), Iran University of Science and Technology, Iran, 2019.
• Optimization for project scheduling and material ordering problem in sustainability conditions, Iran University of Science and Technology, Iran,2018.
• A dual supply chain network desing in health care industry, Iran University of Science and Technology, Iran, 2017.
• Designing a Sustainable Supply Chain Network in Engine Oil Industry, Iran University of Science and Technology, Iran, 2016.
• A mathematical model for location-routing-distribution in relief chain, Iran University of Science and Technology, Iran, 2015.
• Optimizing the hub covering location problem for emergency centers in disaster, Iran University of Science and Technology, Iran, 2014.
•A meta-heuristic algorithm for location-routing problem with fuzzy time windows, Iran University of Science and Technology, Iran, 2012.
•An integrated forward-reverse logistics network design in supply chain with considering pricing, Iran University of Science and Technology, Iran, 2011.
•Multiobjective scheduling in cellular manufacturing systems with parallel machines, Iran University of Science and Technology, Iran, 2009.
•Design an integrated cellular manufacturing system with considering scheduling and layout, Iran University of Science and Technology, Iran, 2008.
•An instruction to write a thesis, Iran University of Science and Technology, Iran, 2007.
•Application of metaheuristic methods in manufacturing systems, Iran University of Science and Technology, Iran, 2005.

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