دانشکده مهندسی صنایع- دکتر سعید یعقوبی
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" دکتر سعید یعقوبی"


Email :  yaghoubi AT iust.ac.ir

تلفن : 5053 -7322
آزمایشگاه مجازی




تحصیلات دانشگاهی

  • دکترای مهندسی صنایع- مهندسی صنایع، محل تحصیل دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران، تاریخ اخذ: 1390

  • فوق لیسانس مهندسی فناوری اطلاعات، محل تحصیل دانشگاه تربیت مدرس، تاریخ اخذ: 1384

  • لیسانس مهندسی صنایع، محل تحصیل دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران، تاریخ اخذ: 1382

زمینه های تخصصی وتحقیقاتی

– مدیریت زنجیره تامین و لجستیک (طراحی شبکه و مدلهای هماهنگی)

– سیستمهای توزیع

– مدلسازی احتمالی (فرآیندهای احتمالی، بهینه سازی استوار، برنامه ریزی احتمالی، تیوری صف)

– کنترل بهینه

– برنامه ریزی پروژه 

سوابق تدریس دانشگاهی

AWT IMAGE نام دروس تدریس شده :

تجزیه‌وتحلیل و طراحی سیستمهای لجستیکی، سیستمهای توزیع، تئوری صف و مدلهای احتمالی، تئوری احتمال، استانداردهای مدیریت پروژه، کنترل پروژه، تحقیق در عملیات


مقالات منتشر شده در مجلات بین المللی ( ISI,ISC )

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=lyVOS3cAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate

ISI Papers:
• Ansari M., Yaghoubi Saeed, 2025. Integrated inventory and pricing decisions for pre-existing and new entrance products considering product life-cycle. Journal of the Operational Research Society. (ISI Index)
• Norouzian-Maleki P., Hosseini-Motlagh SM., Yaghoubi Saeed, 2025. Impact of blockchain technology on social aspects of blood supply chain: A simulation-optimization approach. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. (ISI Index)
• Kamrantabar M., Yaghoubi Saeed, Fander A., 2025. A game theoretic approach for pricing of red blood cells under supply and demand uncertainty and government role. Soft Computing, 29: 237–260. (ISI Index)
• Dini N., Yaghoubi Saeed, Bahrami H., 2025. Logistics Performance Index-driven in operational planning for logistics companies: A smart transportation approach. Transport Policy, 160: 42-62. (ISI Index)
• Arabi M., Yaghoubi Saeed, 2024. A Lagrangian relaxation approach for algae-based biofuel supply chain network design under uncertainty and pricing issue. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 31: 64048-64068. (ISI Index)
• Fander A., Yaghoubi Saeed, 2024. Dynamic Delay-based Game Approach in Car and Petrol Supply Chains Under Government Intervention. Applied Energy, 376: 124176. (ISI Index)
• Bahrami H., Yaghoubi Saeed, 2024. Dynamic optimal pricing considering advertising and improvement quality strategies over product life-cycle horizon. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal. (ISI Index)
• Zafarian T., Fander A., Yaghoubi Saeed, 2024. A Dynamic Game Approach to Demand Disruptions of Green Supply Chain with Government Intervention (Case Study: Automotive Supply Chain). Annals of Operations Research, 336: 1965-2008. (ISI Index)
• AliAhmadi M., Yaghoubi Saeed, Sadeghi M., 2024. Inventory-scheduling problem in sustainable project supply chain under uncertainty. Environment Systems and Decisions, 44: 836–852. (ISI Index)
• Dini N., Yaghoubi Saeed, Bahrami H., 2024. Route selection of periodic multimodal transport for logistics company: An optimisation approach. Research in Transportation Business & Management, 54: 101123. (ISI Index)
• Bahrami H., Yaghoubi Saeed, 2024. Price switching policies under advertising effect and dynamic environment in supply chain: Product life-cycle approach. Expert Systems With Applications, 247: 123347. (ISI Index)
• Sadeghi M., Yaghoubi Saeed, 2024. Optimization Models for Cloud Seeding Network Design and Operations. European Journal of Operational Research, 312(3): 1146-1167. (ISI Index)
• Zarreh M., Yaghoubi Saeed, Bahrami H., 2024. Pricing of Drinking Water under Dynamic Supply and Demand based on Government Role: A Game-Theoretic Approach. Water Resources Management 38: 2101–2133. (ISI Index)
• Matinfard S., Yaghoubi Saeed, Kharaji Manuchehrabadi M., 2024. A coordinated approach for a three-echelon solar-wind energy supply with government intervention. Utilities Policy, 86: 101691. (ISI Index)
• Fander A.,Yaghoubi Saeed, Shabaab M. 2024, Risk aversion in green energy-efficient vehicle-petrol supply chain based on C-VaR model with government intervention: A game theoretic approachEnvironment, Development and Sustainability(ISI Index)
• Seif M.,Yaghoubi Saeed, Khodoomi MR., 2024. Optimization of food-energy-water-waste nexus in a sustainable food supply chain under the COVID-19 pandemic: A case study in Iran. 
Environment, Development and Sustainability, 26:7163–7197(ISI Index)
• Bagheri M., Abbasi H., Yaghoubi Saeed, Pishvaee MS., Fallahi M, 2024. Optimizing Dry Port Locations: A Comparative Analysis of Deterministic, Stochastic, and Robust Models. 
Transportation Research Record(ISI Index)
• Kharaji Manuchehrabadi M.,Yaghoubi Saeed, 2024. A geme theoretic incentive model for closed-loop solar cell supply chain by considering government role. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 24, 8017–8041. (ISI Index)
• Ghozatfar A., Yaghoubi Saeed, 2023. A cooperation approach for nexus among biofuel, compost, and water in waste supply chain under risk aversion: A case study. Computers and Chemical Engineering 177: 108334. (ISI Index)
• Rahmani Z.,Yaghoubi Saeed, 2023. Adult Stem Cell Donor Supply Chain Network Design: A Robust Optimization Approach. Soft Computing 27: 6367-6389. (ISI Index)
• Ghozatfar A., Yaghoubi Saeed, Bahrami H., 2023. A novel game-theoretic model for waste management with waste-to-energy and compost production under government intervention: A case study. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 173: 729-746. (ISI Index)
• Khodoomi MR.,Yaghoubi Saeed, Seif M., 2023. Effects of COVID-19 outbreak in pricing and collaboration of a health-social dual-channel supply chain. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30: 55382-55401. (ISI Index)
• Kharaji Manuchehrabadi M.,Yaghoubi Saeed, 2023. Comparing supply-side and demand-side policies in the solar cell supply chain under competitive circumstances: a case study. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 30: 477-500.  (ISI Index)

• Abdollahi Saadatlu E., Barzinpour F., Yaghoubi Saeed, 2023, A sustainable municipal solid waste system under leachate treatment impact along with leakage control and source separationProcess Safety and Environmental Protection 169: 982-998. (ISI Index)
• Maleki F., Yaghoubi Saeed, Fander A., 2023, Organic level vs. sales effort in coordination of deteriorating items. Environment, Development and Sustainability 
25:13065–13097. (ISI Index)
• Fander A.,Yaghoubi Saeed, 2022,
Dynamic and stochastic modeling for a closed-loop automotive supply chain under fuel issue and government intervention: A case studyComputers & Industrial Engineering 174: 108765(ISI Index)
• Fander A.,Yaghoubi Saeed, 2022, Mathematical models for mobile network members' coordination through coverage development-based contract. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal 34: 670-708. (ISI Index)

• Asal-Najafi J., Yaghoubi Saeed, Noori S., 2022, Customization of incentive mechanisms based on product life-cycle phases for an efficient product-service supply chain coordination. Computers in Industry 135: 103582. (ISI Index)
• Abdollahi Saadatlu E., Barzinpour F., Yaghoubi Saeed, 2022,
A sustainable model for municipal solid waste system considering global warming potential impact: A case study. Computers & Industrial Engineering 169: 108127. (ISI Index)
• Matinfard S., Yaghoubi Saeed,
Kharaji Manuchehrabadi M., 2022, Impact of government policies on photovoltaic supply chain considering quality in the power distribution system: a case study. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 29: 58810-58827. (ISI Index)
• Fander A.,Yaghoubi Saeed, Tajik J., 2022, A game theoretic model for cellular network operators’ cooperation under government intervention. RAIRO-Operations Research 56: 813-829. (ISI Index) 
• Zand F., Yaghoubi Saeed, 2022, Effects of a dominant retailer on a green supply chain activities with government cooperation. Environment, Development and Sustainability 24: 1313-1334. (ISI Index)
• Maleki N., Gholamian MR., Yaghoubi Saeed2022, An integrated model of BWM and choquet integral for determining fuzzy measures in interacting criteria. International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making 21 (3): 1061-1086. (ISI Index) 
• Rezayat MR., Yaghoubi Saeed, Fander A., 2021, The impact of government intervention in competitive electronic closed-loop supply chain to support internal industry. Resources Policy 74: 102257. (ISI Index)
• Allahyari S.,Yaghoubi Saeed, Van Woensel T.,2021, A novel risk perspective on location-routing planning: An application in cash transportation. Transportation Research: Part E, 150, 102356. (ISI Index)

• Fander A.,Yaghoubi Saeed2021, Impact of fuel-efficient technology on automotive and fuel supply chain under government intervention: A case study. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 97: 771-802. (ISI Index) 
• Allahyari S.,Yaghoubi Saeed, Van Woensel T.,2021, The secure time-dependent vehicle routing problem with uncertain demands. Computers & Operation Research, 131, 105253. (ISI Index)
• Asal-Najafi J.,Yaghoubi Saeed, Zand F., 2021, Dual-channel  supply chain coordination considering targeted capacity allocation under uncertainty. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 187: 566-585. (ISI Index)
• Asal-Najafi J.,Yaghoubi Saeed, 2021, A novel perspective on closed-loop supply chain coordination: Product life-cycle approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 289, 125697. (ISI Index)

• Fander A.,Yaghoubi Saeed, Asal-Najafi J., 2021, Chemical supply chain coordination based on technology level and lead-time considerations. RAIRO-Operations Research, 55 (2), 793-810. (ISI Index) 
• Shaverdi M.,Yaghoubi Saeed, 2021, A thechnology portfolio optimization model considering staged financing and moratorium period under uncertainty. RAIRO-Operations Research, 55, S1487-S1513. (ISI Index) 
• Rezayat MR.,Yaghoubi Saeed, Fander A., 2020. A hierarchical revenue-sharing contract in electronic waste closed-loop supply chain. Waste Management, 115: 121-135(ISI Index)
• Kharaji Manuchehrabadi M.,Yaghoubi Saeed, Tajik J., 2020. Optimal scenarios for solar cell supply chain considering degradation in powerhouses. Renewable Energy, 145: 1104-1125. (ISI Index)
 Shaverdi M., Yaghoubi Saeed, Ensafian HR., 2020. A multi-objective robust possibilistic model for technology portfolio optimization considering social impact and different types of financing. Applied Soft Computing Journal, 68, 105892 (ISI Index(
 •Vafaei A., Yaghoubi Saeed, Tajik J., Barzinpour F., 2020. Designing a sustainable multi-channel supply chain distribution network: A case study. Journal of Cleaner Production, 251, 119628. (ISI Index(
 •Yaghoubi Saeed, Hoseini-Motlagh SM., Cheraghi S., Gilani Larimi N. 2020. Designing a robust demanddifferentiated platelet supply chain network under disruption and uncertainty. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 11: 3231-3258  (ISI Index)
 •Gilani Larimi N., Yaghoubi Saeed, 2019. A robust mathematical model for platelet supply chain considering social announcements and blood extraction technologies. Computers and Industrial Engineering, 137: 106014. (ISI Index)
• Arabi M.,Yaghoubi Saeed, Tajik J., 2019. Algal biofuel supply chain network design with variable demand under alternative fuel price uncertainty: A case studyComputers and Chemical Engineering, 130: 106528(ISI Index)
• Arabi M., Yaghoubi Saeed, Tajik J., 2019. A mathematical model for microalgae-based biobutanol supply chain network design under harvesting and drying uncertainties. Energy, 179: 1004-1016. (ISI Index)
• Gilani Larimi N., Yaghoubi Saeed, Hoseini-Motlagh SM., 2019. Itemized platelet supply chain with lateral transshipment under uncertainty evaluating inappropriate output in laboratories. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 68, 100697(ISI Index)
• Kharaji Manuchehrabadi M.,Yaghoubi Saeed, 2019. Solar cell supply chain coordination and competition under government internvention. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 11:023701. (ISI Index)
• Malekitabar M.,Yaghoubi Saeed, Gholamian M.R., 2019. A novel mathematical model for growing-mortal items (Case study: rainbow trout). Applied Mathematical Modelling, 71: 96-117. (ISI Index)

• Arabmomeni M., Yaghoubi Saeed, Aliha M.R.M, 2019. An Optimal control model for analyzing quality investment in the project management. Computer and Industrial Engineering, 129: 529-544. (ISI Index)
• Zand F.,Yaghoubi Saeed, Sadjadi S.J, 2019. Impact of government direct limitation on pricing, greening activities and recycling management in an online to offline closed loop supply chain. Journal of Cleaner Production, 215: 1327- 1340. (ISI Index)

• Mohamadi A., Yaghoubi Saeed, Pishvaee M.S., 2019. Fuzzy multi-objective stochastic programming model for disaster relief logistics considering telecommunication infrastructures: A case study. Operational Research, 19: 59-99. page (ISI Index)
• Kamyabnia A., Lotfi M.M., Cai H., Hosseininasab H., Yaghoubi Saeed, Yih Y., 2019. A two-phase coordinated platelets logistics planning for humanitariarian relief operations, IISE Transaction, 51(1): 1-21. (ISI Index)
• Jafarkhan F., Yaghoubi Saeed, 2018. An efficient solution method for the flexible and robust inventory-routing of red blood cells. Computers and Industrial Engineering 117: 191- 206. (ISI Index)

• Ensafian HR., Yaghoubi Saeed, Modarres Yazdi M., 2017. Raising quality and safety of platelet transfusion services in a patient-based integrated supply chain under uncertainty. Computers and Chemical Engineering 106: 355-372(ISI Index)
• Ensafian HR., Yaghoubi Saeed, 2017. Robust optimization model for integrated procurement, production and distribution in platelet supply chain. Transportation Research: Part E 103: 32-55. (ISI Index)
• Mohamadi A., Yaghoubi Saeed, 2017. A bi-objective stochastic model for emergency medical service network design with backup service for disaster under disruption: An earthquak study. Inetrnational Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 23: 204-217(ISI Index)
• Hosseini-Motlagh S.M., Majidi S., Yaghoubi Saeed, Jokar A., 2017. Fuzzy green vehicle routing problem with simultaneous pickup-delivery and time windows. RAIRO Operations Research 51:1151-1176. (ISI Index)
• Yaghoubi Saeed , Noori S., Azaron A., Fynes B., 2015. Resource allocation in multi-class dynamic PERT networks with finite capacity. European Journal of Operational Research 247 (3): 879-894. (ISI Index)
• Yaghoubi Saeed, 2015. Due date assignment for multi-server multi-stage assembly systems. International Journal of Systems Science 46 (7): 1246-1256. (ISI Index)
• Attar S.F., Mohammadi M., Tavakkoli-Moghaddam R., Yaghoubi Saeed. 2014. Solving a new multi-objective hybrid flow shop problem with limited waiting times and machine-sequence dependant setup times constraints. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 27 (5): 450-469. (ISI Index)
• Yaghoubi Saeed, Noori S., Azaron A., 2013. Lead time control in multi-class multi-stage assembly systems with finite capacities. Computers & Industrial Engineering 66 (4): 808-817. (ISI Index)
• Yaghoubi Saeed, Noori S., Pourdadashi F., 2012. Lead time control in multi-server multi-stage assembly system. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 61:351–368. (ISI Index)
• Yaghoubi Saeed, Noori S., Azaron A., Tavakkoli-Moghaddam R., 2011. Resource allocation in dynamic PERT networks with finite capacity. European Journal of Operational Research 215: 670 - 678. (ISI Index)
• Yaghoubi Saeed , Noori S., Bagherpour M., 2011. Resource allocation in multi-server dynamic PERT networks using multi-objective programming and Markov process. Iranian Journal of Science & Technology (Transaction A: Science) 35 (A2): 131-147 . (ISI Index)

ISC Papers:
Yarmohamadi N., Yaghoubi Saeed, 2025. Berth allocation and resource management problem for container terminals considering environmental issues and weather conditions. Journal of Decisions and Operations Research, 9(4): 909-929. (ISC Index) (in Persian)
Akbari F., Yaghoubi Saeed, Bahrami H., 2024. The coordination of biofuel supply chain members considering farmers' technology level and agricultural support services company. Sharif Journal of Industrial Engineering & Management. (ISC Index) (in Persian)
• Zeinalpour S., Yaghoubi Saeed, Sohrabi T., 2024. Modeling economic-financial risks of supply chain in automotive industry (Bayesian modeling average and weighted averaging least square approaches). Journal of Executive Management. (ISC Index) (in Persian)

• Kabiri SH.,Yaghoubi Saeed, Fander A., 2023, Collaborative Advertising in the Supply Chain Considering the Advertising Company Under Different Advertising Methods. Iranian Journal of Trade Studies 27 (105): 117-156(ISC Index) (in Persian)
Sargazi A., Sabouhi Sabouni M., Daneshvar Kakhki M., Yaghoubi Saeed, 2022, A survey on the economic and environmental crises caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, The case of Makoran coasts, Iran, ECOPERSIA 2022, 10(3): 245-256. (ISC Index)
Sargazi A., Sabouhi Sabouni M., Daneshvar Kakhki M., Yaghoubi Saeed, 2022, Evaluation of environmental effects caused by Covid 19 and factors affecting the improvement of resilience of Makran coastal areas, Sistan and Baluchestan province, Journal of Natural Environment 75 (3): 487-501. (ISC Index) (in Persian)
• Allahyari S.,Yaghoubi Saeed, Fathian M.,2021, A novel spatial decision support metholdology to practically restructure branches network under uncertainty. Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 13 (3): 118-132(ISC Index)
• Jafarkhan F.,Yaghoubi Saeed,
Gilani Larimi N., Farhang Moghadam B., 2019, The inventory-routing problem for distribution of red blood cells considering comatility of blood group and transshipment between hospitals. Advances in Industrial Engineering 53 (3): 31-44(ISC Index)
• Dehghani Ashkezari H., Yaghoubi Saeed, 2020. Designing an integrated blood plasma supply chain under uncertainty demand of both therapy and medicine. Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 12 (4), 252-268. (ISC Index)
• Ferdosi Jahromi A., Yaghoubi Saeed, 2020. Providing a mathematical model for periodic projects evaluation and rewading in matrix organizations (Case study: Iran argham coorporation). Journal of Industrial Management Perspective. (ISC Index)  (in Persian)
• Maleki M., Yaghoubi Saeed, 2020. A bi-objective mathematical model for resource planning in the project supply chain considering the quality and discount of raw materials. Iranian Journal of Trade Studies 24 (94): 139-175(ISC Index)  (in Persian)
• Arabmomeni M., Yaghoubi Saeed, Aliha M.R.M, 2019. A cost sharing-based coordination mechanism for multiplr deteriorating items in a one manaufacturer one retailer supply chain. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Studies 6 (1): 61-75. (ISC Index)
• Foladi-Mahani S., Yaghoubi Saeed, Hoseini-Motlagh S.M, Nematollahi M., 2018. Order quantity optimization in a two-level pharmaceutical supply chain, Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 11 (1): 127-146.  (ISC Index)
• Kamyabnia A., Lotfi M.M., HosseiniNasab H., Yaghoubi Saeed, 2018. Multiple-organitional coordination planning for humanitariarian relief operations, Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 11: 29-49.  (ISC Index)
• Arabmomeni M., Yaghoubi Saeed, Aliha M.R.M, 2018. Optimal control of quality investment in joint venture by Stackelberg game. Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 11. (ISC Index)

• Ghassemi A., Asl-Najafi J., Yaghoubi Saeed, 2018. A dynamic bi-objective closed-loop supply chain network design considering supplier selection and remanufacturer subcontractors. Uncertain Supply Chain Management 6: 117-134. (Scopus Index)
• Alinezhad H., Yaghoubi Saeed, Hoseini-Motlagh SM., Allahyari S., Saghafinia M., 2018. An improved particle swarm optimization for a class of capaciated vehicle routing problem. International Journal of Transportation Engineering 5(4): 331-347. (ISC Index)
• Arabmomeni M., Yaghoubi Saeed, Ebrahimiarjestan M., 2018. 
Technical performance evaluation of ERP packages with two-stage DEA approachJournal of Industrial Engineering and Management Studies 5 (2): 61-83. (ISC Index)
• Rahmani M., Fathian M, Yaghoubi Saeed. 2018. A conceptual model for identification of e-service quality in iranian e-stores. Iranian Communication and Information Technology 29-30: 1-14. (ISC Index) (in Persian)
• Asadi M., Shafia M.A., Yaghoubi Saeed. 2018. A disaster facilities location-allocation model with considering reliability under uncertainty and dynamic demand (Case study: Earthquake disaster in Tehran city). Modern Researches in Decision Making 3(1): 1-28. (ISC Index) (in Persian)
• Arabmomeni M., Yaghoubi Saeed, Aliha M.R.M, 2018. Coordination of production-distribution in a supply chain considering transportation price discount. Industrial Engineering and Management. (ISC Index) (in Persian)
• Hayati Z., Yaghoubi Saeed, 2018. A system dynamics for analyzing bullwhip effect in drug supply chain considering targeted subsidy plan. Applied Economics Studies in Iran. (ISC Index) (in Persian) 

• Maalekitabar M., Yaghoubi Saeed, 2017. A two stage pricing and inventory optimization model for ameliorating and deteriorating items in a competing enviroment. Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 10(3). (ISC Index)
• Mohamadi A., Yaghoubi Saeed, 2017. A novel bi-objective reliable location routing model considering impedance function under demand-side and supply-side uncertainty (A case study). Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 10(1): 35-49. (ISC Index)
• Yaghoubi Saeed, Kamvar M., 2017. Management of products consumption in blood supply chain considering lateral transshipment between hospitals. Industrial Management Studies 15(47): 93-119. (ISC Index) (in Persian)
• Jafarkhan F., Yaghoubi Saeed, 2017. A Robust mathematical model and heuristic solution algorithm for integrathed production-routing-inventory problem of perishable products with lateral transshipment. Journal of Industrial Engineering Research in Production Systems 4(8): 195-211. (ISC Index) (in Persian)
• Ahmadi-Kord H., Yaghoubi Saeed, Mohamadi A., 2017. A fuzzy optimization model for network design of collection and transportation for urban wastewater for agricultural purposes under uncertainty (Case study: Tehran province). Modern Researches in Decision Making 1(4): 1-24. (ISC Index) (in Persian)
• Ahmadi-Kord H., Yaghoubi Saeed, Taghanzadeh A., 2017. A robust optimization model for designing reverse water network for agricultural purpose (Case study: Tehran province). International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Production Research 28(4): 633-647. (ISC Index) (in Persian)
• Asadi M., Shafia M.A., Yaghoubi Saeed. 2017. An integrated mathematical model for relief logistics with considering reliability (Case study: Earthquake disaster in Tehran city). International journal of Industriaal engineering & Production Management 28(1): 175-190. (ISC Index) (in Persian)
• Ghatreh Samani MR., Hoseini-Motlagh SM., Yaghoubi Saeed, Jokar A., 2017. A hybrid metaheuristic method for two-ehelon location-routing problem with pickup and delivery. Journal of Industrial Engineering 51(1): 101-115. (ISC Index) (in Persian)
• Mohamadi A., Yaghoubi Saeed, 2016. A new stochastic location-allocation emergency medical services healthcare system model during major disaster. Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 9: 85-99. (ISC Index)
• Vakili M.R., Noori S., Yaghoubi Saeed, 2016. An inventory-scheduling model for supply chain of construction project. Journal of Industrial Management 8(1): 113-140. (ISC Index) (in Persian)
• Yaghoubi Saeed, Nahofti J., Khosrojerdi A., Mohamadi A., 2016. Location and allocation of a distribution system considering disruption in mobile warehouses and backup facilities. Journal of Industrial Engineering 50(1): 147-164. (ISC Index) (in Persian)
• Ghareh-Samani M.R., Hosseini-Motlagh S.M., Yaghoubi Saeed, Jokar A., 2016. A multi objective stochastic P-robust model for two-echelon location-routing problem with simultaneus pickup and delivery and time windows (A case study). Quarterly Journal of Transportation Engineering. (ISC Index) (in Persian)
• Mohamadi A., Yaghoubi Saeed, Derikvand H., 2015. A credibility-based chance-constrained transfer point location model for the relief logistics design (Case Study: Earthquake disaster on region 1 of city Tehran), International Journal of Supply and Operations Management, 1(4): 466-488. (ISC Index)
• Yaghoubi Saeed, Jafari Eskandari M., Farahmand M., 2015. Multi objective project scheduling under resource constraints using algorithm of firefly, Journal UMP Social Sciences and Technology Management, 3(1): 347-358. (ISC Index)
• Yaghoubi Saeed, Noori S., Azaron A., 2015. The Markovian multi-criteria multi-project resource-constrained project scheduling problem. Handbook on Project Management and Scheduling Vol. 2, International Handbooks on Information Systems: 837-862. (Book Chapter)
• Kamyabnia A., Seyedhoseini S.M, Yaghoubi Saeed, 2015. Project time and cost estimate at completion based on non-parametric resampling with interval risk, International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering, 21(4): 458-473. (Scopus Index)
• Pourahmadi K., Noori S., Yaghoubi Saeed, 2015. A scenario based project portfolio selection, Management Science Letters, 5: 883-888. (ISC Index)
• Mohamadi A., Yaghoubi Saeed, Nahofti J., Pishvaee M.S., 2015. Location problem of shelters and telecom-relief centers considering uncertainty in the disaster time: a case study of flood disaster in in region #3 of Tehran. Journal of Industrial Management, University of Tehran, 7(1): 125-149. (ISC Index) (in Persian)
• Mohamadi A., Yaghoubi Saeed, Nahofti J., 2015. Two objective mathematical modeling of the relief logistics considering transfer points and backup facilities: a case study of earthquake disaster in region 1 of Tehran, Journal of Operational Research in its Applications, 11(4): 119-138. (ISC Index) (in Persian)
• Mohamadi A., Yaghoubi Saeed, 2015. Technology acceptance model with emphasis on the cultural conditions of Iran, Industrial Technology Development, 12: 25-34. (ISC Index) (in Persian)
• Yaghoubi Saeed, Noori S., Mahdavi Mazdeh M., 2013. A heuristic method for consumable resource allocation in multi-class dynamic PERT networks. Journal of Industrial Engineering International 9:17. DOI:10.1186/2251-712X-9-17 (ISC Index)
• Noori S., Yaghoubi Saeed. 2013. Due date Assignment for delivery time in multi-server dynamic PERT networks, International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Production Management 23(4), 471-484. (ISC Index) (in Persian)
• Noori S., Yaghoubi Saeed. 2013. Calculating the mean project completion time in dynamic PERT networks with finite capacity, International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Production Management. 24(3): 349-360. (ISC Index) (in Persian)
• Jalali Naeeni S.G., Yaghoubi SaeedPourdadashi Komachali F.2011. Evaluation of challenge between Internet and mass media in news diffusion with the use of stochastic process. Journal of Information Technology Management 3(7): 19-36. (ISC Index) (in Persian)

مقالات منتشر شده در کنفرانس های بین المللی داخلی و خارجی

 • ارائه مقاله در کنفرانس بین المللی توسعه پایدار، راهکارها و چالشها با عنوان: «مدل مفهومی لجستیک یکپارچه در زنجیره تامین سبز با ملحوظ نمودن عوامل محیطی و قوانین محرک مربوطه»، تبریز، اسفند ماه 1393  

• ارائه شفاهی مقاله در یازدهمین کنفرانس بین المللی مهندسی صنایع با عنوان: «مکانیابی تسهیلات حیاتی در زمان بحران (مطالعه موردی: بحران زلزله در شهر تهران)»، دانشگاه تربیت مدرس، دی ماه 1393

• ارائه شفاهی مقاله در یازدهمین کنفرانس بین المللی مهندسی صنایع با عنوان: «ارائه مدلی توسعه یافته مبتنی بر مدل پذیرش فناوری جهت منطبق سازی شبکه های اجتماعی در ایران»، دانشگاه تربیت مدرس، دی ماه 1393 

• ارائه مقاله در یازدهمین کنفرانس بین المللی مهندسی صنایع با عنوان: «طراحی شبکه زنجیره تامین دارو با درنظرگرفتن قابلیت اطمینان»، دانشگاه تربیت مدرس، دی ماه 1393

    • ارائه مقاله در کنفرانس مدیریت بحران با عنوان: «شناسایی کانونهای خطر و نقاط مستعد حادثه جهت مدیریت بهینه حوادث در صنایع: مطالعه موردی شرکت ذوب آهن پاسارگاد کوار» تهران، دی ماه 1393. 

• ارائه شفاهی مقاله در دوازدهمین کنفرانس بین المللی مدیریت با عنوان: «مدل پویای مکانیابی نقاط انتقال در شرایط بحران (یا بلایای طبیعی)»، دانشگاه صنعتی شریف، آبان ماه 1393.

• ارائه مقاله در اولین کنفرانس بین المللی مدیریت در قرن 21 با عنوان: «ارائه یک مدل ریاضی برای دسته بندی پروژه ها (سبد پروژه ها) در یک محیط چندپروژه ای»، تهران، مرداد ماه 1393.

  • ارائه مقاله در اولین کنفرانس بین المللی مدیریت در قرن 21 با عنوان: «شناسایی و ارزیابی عوامل کلیدی موفقیت در سازمانهای پروژه محور»، تهران، مرداد ماه 1393. 

 • ارائه مقاله در پنجمین همایش پیشگامان پیشرفت با عنوان: «بهره گیری از فناوری اطلاعات در ارتباطات سازمانی برای بهبود رهبری سازمانی»، تهران، اردیبهشت ماه 1393.

• International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM). Modeling multi-stage assembly systems with finite capacity as a queueing network. Bangkok, 10-13 December 2013.

• ارائه مقاله در دهمین کنفرانس بین‌المللی مهندسی صنایع با عنوان: «An Application of non-Parametric resampling interval analysis to Risk-Based Earned Value Management» - دانشگاه تهران- تهران- بهمن‌ماه 1392

• ارائه مقاله در دهمین کنفرانس بین‌المللی مهندسی صنایع با عنوان: «ارائه مدلی برای بررسی تاثیر مدیریت دانش بر یادگیری سازمانی و نوآوری(مطالعه موردی)» - دانشگاه تهران- تهران- بهمن‌ماه 1392

• ارائه مقاله در دهمین کنفرانس بین‌المللی مهندسی صنایع با عنوان: «تخمین هزینه پایانی پروژه با در نظر گرفتن جریان نقدینگی و تاخیر در پرداخت و در فازهای مختلف پروژه» - دانشگاه تهران- تهران- بهمن‌ماه 1392

• ارائه مقاله و سخنرانی در دومین کنفرانس بین‌المللی روابط‌عمومی با عنوان: «ظهور اینترنت و دگرگونی در ساختار روابط‌عمومی» - سالن اجلاس- تهران- آبان‌ماه 1384

• ارائه مقاله و سخنرانی در سومین کنفرانس بین‌المللی روابط‌عمومی با عنوان: «جایگاه ارتباطات نوین (اینترنتی) در سازمان» - سالن همایش‌های صداوسیما- تهران- آبان‌ماه 1385

• ارائه مقاله در دومین کنفرانس بین‌المللی فناوری‌اطلاعات با عنوان: «ظهور اینترنت و مدیریت ارتباط با مخاطبان»- هتل استقلال- تهران-1385

کتب منتشر شده

• تالیف کتابی با عنوان «مبانی روابط‌عمومی الکترونیک»- انتشارات کارگزار روابط‌ عمومی- 1386

• تالیف « تحقیق در عملیات (1)»- نشر ملکان- 1386


  • کسب عنوان دانشجوی ممتاز دانشگاه علم ‌و صنعت در سال‌های تحصیلی 86-87، 81-80، 80-79

  • کسب رتبه نخست در آزمون دکتری، دانشگاه علم ‌و صنعت در سال 1386

  • نفر نخست دوره دکتری در دانشگاه علم‌ و ‌صنعت

  • چهره برتر جامعه روابط ‌عمومی در دومین و سومین کنفرانس بین‌المللی روابط‌ عمومی، سال‌های 84 و 85

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