دانشکده مهندسی صنایع- دکتر بابک امیری
شرح حال علمی

حذف تصاویر و رنگ‌ها  | تاریخ ارسال: 1396/7/16 | 

" دکتر بابک امیری "


عضو گروه مهندسی سیستم های اقتصادی-اجتماعی

Email : babakamiri AT iust.ac.ir

تلفن : 5039-7322
« گوگل اسکولار»
آزمایشگاه مجازی



تحصیلات دانشگاهی

  • دکتری مهندسی فناوری اطلاعات؛ سیدنی استرالیا، تاریخ اخذ: 1393

  • کارشناسی ارشد مهندسی فناوری اطلاعات؛ دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران، تاریخ اخذ: 1385

  • کارشناسی مهندسی صنایع برنامه ریزی و تحلیل سیستم ها؛ شیراز ایران، تاریخ اخذ: 1381

زمینه های تخصصی وتحقیقاتی

  • علوم داده و کلان داده

  • تحلیل شبکه های اجتماعی

  •  بازاریابی دیجیتال

  •  یادگیری ماشین

  •  داده کاوی

سوابق شغلی

  • استادیار دانشگاه علم و صنعت ایران

  • مدرس دانشکده مهندسی فناوری اطلاعات، دانشگاه سیدنی استرالیا

  • پژوهشگر دانشگاه سیدنی استرالیا

  • پژوهشگر دانشگاه هنگ کنگ

  • پژوهشگر میهمان Carnegie Mellon University آمریکا

  • پژوهشگر دانشگاه لوند سوئد


مقالات منتشر شده در مجلات بین المللی ( ISI,ISC )

1- Babak Amiri, Liaquat Hossain, John Crawford and Rolf Wigand, Community Detection in Complex Networks: Multi–objective Enhanced Firefly Algorithm. Knowdelge Based System Journal, 2013. (ISI, Impact factor 4.1)

2- Taher Niknam, Rasoul Azizipanah-Abarghooee and Babak Amiri, A new multi-objective reserve constrained combined heat and power dynamic economic emission dispatch, Energy the International Journal, 2012. (ISI, Impact factor 3.6).

3-Taher Niknam, Babak Amiri, An efficient hybrid approach based on PSO, ACO and k-means for cluster analysis, Applied Soft Computing, 2010. (ISI, Impact factor 2.1). 

4- Ali maroosi and Babak Amiri, A new clustering algorithm based on hybrid global optimization and dynamical systems approach algorithm, Expert System With Application, 2010. (ISI, Impact factor 1.85). 

5- Babak Amiri, Mohammad Fathian and Ali Maroosi, Cluster analysis by the k-means and shuffled frog-leaping algorithms, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, In press, 2009. (ISI, Impact factor 1.2). 

6-Taher Niknam, Babak Amiri, Javad Olamaei and Ali Arefi, An efficient hybrid evolutionary optimization algorithm based on PSO and SA for clustering, Journal of Zhejiang University Science A,2009. (ISI, Impact factor 0.52) . 

7-Taher Niknam, Javad Olamaei and Babak Amiri, A hybrid evolutionary algorithm based on ACO and SA for cluster analysis, Journal of Applied Science, 2008. (ISI) 

8- Fathian Mohammad, Babak Amiri and Ali Maroosi, A honey bee mating approach for cluster analysis, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2007. (ISI, Impact factor 1.2). 

9- Fathian Mohammad and Babak Amiri, Application of honey bee mating on cluster analysis, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2007. (ISI, Impact factor 1.35).

10- Babak Amiri, A Multi-Objective Hybrid Optimization Algorithm for Project Selection Problem, Journal of Basic and Applied Scientific Research, 2012. (ISI). 

11- Mohammad Fathian, Babak Amiri 2006, E-Business Evaluation Indicators of the Iranian Manufacturing Small and Medium Enterprises, Quarterly Journal of New Economy and Commerce, Number 4, pp1-19.

12- Babak Amiri and Mohammad Fathian 2007, Integration of Self Organization Feature Map Neural Network and honey bee mating optimization algorithm for Market Segmentation, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 2007. (ISI indexed)

13- Babak Amiri, Liaquat Hossain and John Crawford, Modified charged system search algorithm for Community Detection in Dynamic Networks, IEEE SocialCom 2013.

14- Shahadat Uddin, Mahendra Piraveenan, Arif Khan and Babak Amiri, Conceptual quantification of the dynamicity of longitudinal social networks, IEEE SocialCom 2013.

15- Babak Amiri, Liaquat Hossain and John Crawford, A Multiobjective Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm based on HSA and CLS for Community Detection in Complex Networks, ACM, Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO), Philadelphia, USA, 2012.

16- Babak Amiri, Liaquat Hossain and John Crawford, Multiobjective TLBO evolutionary algorithm for clustering in social networks, International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Methods, 2012, USA (GEM'12).

17- Babak Amiri, Liaquat Hossain and John Crawford, A Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm based on HSA and CLS for Multi-objective Community Detection in Complex Networks, The IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, Turkey, 2012.

18- Babak Amiri, Liaquat Hossain and John Crawford, An Efficient Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm for Community Detection in Social Networks, IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, New Orleans, USA, 2011.

19- Babak Amiri and Liaquat Hossain, Application of harmony search algorithm on clustering, International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Analysis, San Francisco, USA, 2010.

20- Babak Amiri, Mohammad Fathian, Investigation of e-CRM factors in Iranian SMEs, International Conference of e-Society, Portugal, 2008.

21- Mohammad Fathian, Babak Amiri 2007, Investigation of e-Readiness Indicators in Iranian Manufacturing SMEs, Presented in IEEE, International Conference of Information Technology, Nevada, USA.

22- Mostafa Jafari and Babak Amiri and Meisam Jafari 2007, A new model in information technology strategic planning, Presented in The First International Conference on Strategic Management, Tehran, Iran.  (In Persian).

23- Ali Akbar Jalali, Babak Amiri and Mohammad Amin Zare 2005, Investigation of implementation of e-commerce in selected countries, Presented in International Conference of e-Commerce, Tehran, Iran. (In Persian).

24- Babak Amiri and Mohammad Reza Jalali 2005, The importance of development of rural ICT in the view of WSIS, Presented in Application of ICT in Regional Development Conference, Qrnabad, Iran. (In Persian).

25- Babak Amiri 2002, Application of TRIZ in technology forecasting, Nineteen Industrial Engineering Conference, Tehran, Iran. (In Persian).

سوابق اجرائی

·   PC Member of the IEEE International Conference on Social Computing, 2013.

·   PC Member of the IEEE International Conference on Social Computing, 2012.

·   PC Member of the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, 2012.

·   Reviewer of IEEE Transaction on Evolutionary Computation.

·   Reviewer of Journal of Pattern Recognition Letter.

·   Reviewer of European Journal of Operation Research.

·   Reviewer of Journal of Information Science.

·   Reviewer of Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematic.

·   Reviewer of Social Network Analysis and Mining Journal.

·   Reviewer of Journal of Energy.

·   Reviewer of Swarm Intelligence Journal.

·   Reviewer of Journal of Optimization.

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