School of Industrial Engineering- dr.aliahmadi

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Alireza Aliahmadi


School of Industrial Engineering (SIE)
Iran University of Science & Technology
Narmak, Tehran, Iran


Phone: (+98)21-7322-8000-1

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Dr.Alireza Aliahmadi is a Professor of Industrial Engineering at Iran University of Science and Technology. Where he also serves as chair of the school of progress Engineering. Furthermore he is concessionaire of Journal of Modiriat- E- Farad & Serves as a Reviewer for more than fifteen in terraatijnal Prestigious Journals.

In addition, he is the director of modiriat farad research center.His research interests are mainly in the areas overs of strategic management, Islamic & native management & research methodology.He also concentrates on the Islamic view toward management & engineering. Besides, he has developed many basic management models such as "Fundamental Reform Document of Education ( FRDE) in Islamic republic of Iran", "Islamic- Iranian pattern for progress", Life-style planning, etc.


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