School of Industrial Engineering- Dr.salari

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Personal Information


 Family name: Salari

   First name: Mohammad javad 

E_mail: salarimg AT         websit:

      Nationality: Iranian 

   Civil status: married 3 children

Area of Research



 1958- 1964 Gymnasium Abumoslem in Mashad

 1966-1973 Technical University Munich(Germany)

 1973 Diploma (M.Sc) in mechanical and production (industrial) Engineering

 1992-1999 University of Bremen

 1999 Phd (Dr. Eng)with degree (Summa cum laude) in “Transfer of Technology and Qualification?

  Languages: Persian, German, English and basis Arabic

   Membership of professional bodies:

 - 2000 until now Member of Board of Directors of Iran Ergonomics Association

 - 2001 Membership of Iran Industrial Engineering Association

  Professional experience:

 1973-1976: Siemens AG Munich (Germany) an Production Planning – Engineering, workstation design.

 1976 until now: Iran university of science & Technology (IUST) Department Industrial Engineering as Assistant Prof. (Metalforming, Eng.- statistic, Ergonomics, Human Factors Engineering)

 1979- 1980: Member of Board of Directors of Iran Automobile Parts Manufactoring co. in Mashad.

 1981- 1982: Member of Board of Directors of Deference Industries Organisation (DIO) in Tehran.

 1983- 1987: Iran- Ambassador in Bonn- Germany

 1983- 1999: Guestresearcher of “Institut for Technology and Education? at the University of Bremen (Germany)


 Other relevant information: 5 Science papers, 2 Science publication

  M. Dj. Salari

 4th floor No. 2/2 Palizistr Jafari_ Ave

 Tajrish, Tehran Iran

 Tel: 009821 22729155-6

 Fax: 009821 22729154

 Mobile: 0098 911 124 7861


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